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Scyttisc spræc

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Scyttisc Englisc sprǣc (Scots)
Gelōmlicu in:Þæt Scotlande, Englalande, Norþīrlandes and Cynewīse Īrlandes
Folc:1.5 millionena mōdorsprecere

Cynnlicu Endebyrdung:

   Scyttisce Englisc

Ambihtlic Stede:
Ambihtlicu sprǣc in:Nān
Geregolod fram:Nān
Sprǣce Begīemung:
ISO 639-1:Nān
ISO 639-2:sco

Sēo Scyttisce Englisce sprǣc (on Scyttisce Englisce and Nīwum Englisce: Scots) is West-germanisc sprǣc, þe fram Scotlande ārās. Hēo belimpþ, swā sēo Nīwu Englisc sprǣc and sēo Þēodisce sprǣc and sēo Niðerlendisce sprǣc tō þǣm Westernan twige þāra Germaniscra sprǣca.