Scyttisc spræc
Scyttisc Englisc sprǣc (Scots) | |
Gelōmlicu in: | Þæt Scotlande, Englalande, Norþīrlandes and Cynewīse Īrlandes |
Folc: | 1.5 millionena mōdorsprecere |
Grād: | 3 |
Cynnlicu Endebyrdung: |
Indoeuropisc |
Ambihtlic Stede: | |
Ambihtlicu sprǣc in: | Nān |
Geregolod fram: | Nān |
Sprǣce Begīemung: | |
ISO 639-1: | Nān |
ISO 639-2: | sco |
SIL: | SCO |
Sēo Scyttisce Englisce sprǣc (on Scyttisce Englisce and Nīwum Englisce: Scots) is West-germanisc sprǣc, þe fram Scotlande ārās. Hēo belimpþ, swā sēo Nīwu Englisc sprǣc and sēo Þēodisce sprǣc and sēo Niðerlendisce sprǣc tō þǣm Westernan twige þāra Germaniscra sprǣca.