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Scyttisc spræc

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Revision as of 23:04, 31 Mædmonað 2014 by Renamed user dls92gWjf (motung | forðunga) (Espreon moved page Scyttisc Englisc sprǣc to Niðerscyttisc sprǣc: Better name)
Scyttisc Englisc sprǣc (Scots)
Gelōmlicu in:Scotlande, Englalande, Norþīrlande and Cynewīsan Īrlandes
Folc:1.5 þūsend þūsenda mōdorsprecera

Cynnlicu Endebyrdung:

   Scyttisce Englisc

Ambihtlic Stede:
Ambihtlicu sprǣc in:Nān
Geregolod fram:Nān
Sprǣce Begīemung:
ISO 639-1:Nān
ISO 639-2:sco

Sēo Scyttisce Englisce sprǣc (on Scyttisce Englisce and Nīwum Englisce: Scots) is Germanisc sprǣc, þe fram Scotlande arās. Hēo belimpþ, ēac þǣre Nīwengliscan sprǣce, þǣre Þēodiscan sprǣce and þǣre Niðerlendiscan sprǣce, tō þǣm westernan hēape þāra Germaniscena sprǣca.