Транснептунов обект: Разлика между версии
Редакция без резюме Етикет: Отменени |
м Премахнати редакции на Salebot28 (б.), към версия на Elizaiv22 Етикети: Отмяна SWViewer [1.6] |
Ред 1: | Ред 1: | ||
'''Транснептунов обект''' (ТНО) е обобщаващ термин за обекти, които се намират в [[Слънчева система|Слънчевата система]], но обикалят около [[Слънце]]то отвъд [[орбита]]та на [[Нептун (планета)|Нептун]]. Такива обекти принадлежат към [[Пояса на Кайпер]], [[Разредения диск]] или [[Облака на Оорт]]. Включват малки скалисти или ледени обекти, както и [[комети]]. |
Excellent connection |
Такива обекти са [[Плутон (планета-джудже)|Плутон]], [[Хаумея (планета джудже)|Хаумея]], [[50000 Кваоар|Кваоар]], [[Макемаке (планета джудже)|Макемаке]], [[Ерида (планета джудже)|Ерида]], [[90377 Седна|Седна]] и др. Общият им брой не е известен, но вероятно са десетки до стотици хиляди или дори милиони, като повечето са значително по-малки от примерите, посочени по-горе. |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
== Пространствено разпределение == |
Error |
На диаграмата са показани големите полуоси и орбитите на ТНО (включително обектите на Пояса на Кайпер). [[Кентавър (планетоид)|Кентаврите]] са поставени от лявата страна за сравнение. Резонантните обекти са маркирани в червено. |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
[[Файл:TheTransneptunians 73AU-ru.svg|мини|център|500px]] |
CExcellent connection |
Към 26 май 2008 г. са известни 1077 обекта от транснептуновия пояс, които могат да бъдат разделени на три категории: |
* '''Резонансни обекти''': образуват [[орбитален резонанс]] 1:2, 2:3, 2:5, 3:4, 3:5, 4:5 или 4:7 спрямо [[Нептун (планета)|Нептун]]. Обектите с резонанс 2:3 се наричат [[плутино]], на името на най-известния представител, [[Плутон (планета джудже)|Плутон]]. Резонансните обекти обекти периодично се приближават по-близко до Слънцето, пресичайки орбитата на Нептун. Към 2005 г. са известни около 150 плутино и 22 други резонансни обекта. Смята се, че плутино съставляват между 10 % и 20 % от общия брой обекти в пояса на Кайпер и по този начин общият брой на плутино с диаметър над 100 km е над 30 000. <ref name="et127">Elkins-Tanton L. T. – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Outer Solar System. Серия „The Solar System“, ISBN 0-8160-5197-6, стр. 127, Издателство „Chelsea House“, New York, 2006.</ref> |
* '''Класически обекти''': имат приблизително кръгови орбити с лек наклон, не са свързани с движението на планетите. Такива обекти понякога се наричат [[кюбиуано]] след първия представител, 1992 QB1. През 2004 г. са известни 524 такива обекта. Кюбиуано формират централната част на пояса на Кайпер. <ref name="et127" /> |
* '''Разпръснати обекти''': имат голям орбитален ексцентрицитет и в [[афелий]] могат да се отдалечат на няколкостотин астрономически единици от Слънцето. Разположени са във външната част на пояса. Известни са около 100 от тях, като общият им брой се приема приблизително равен на 10 000. <ref name="et131">Elkins-Tanton L. T. – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Outer Solar System. Серия „The Solar System“, ISBN 0-8160-5197-6, стр. 131, Издателство „Chelsea House“, New York, 2006.</ref> В много публикации обектите с разпръснати дискове се разглеждат като отделно семейство транснептунови обекти, които не са включени в пояса на Кайпер. |
== Източници == |
Warning |
<references /> |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
{{Малки планети}} |
Error |
{{мъниче|астрономия}} |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
[[Категория:Транснептунови обекти| ]] |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
CExcellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
CExcellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
CExcellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
CExcellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
CExcellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
CExcellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
CExcellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist.Excellent connection |
Warning |
Heads-up: We've detected video in your stream belonging to someone else. Your stream may be temporarily blocked. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Error |
Your stream has been temporarily blocked because we detected video belonging to someone else. If you plan to continue, please ensure that the content owner has added your channel to their allowlist. |
Версия от 09:09, 19 февруари 2024
Транснептунов обект (ТНО) е обобщаващ термин за обекти, които се намират в Слънчевата система, но обикалят около Слънцето отвъд орбитата на Нептун. Такива обекти принадлежат към Пояса на Кайпер, Разредения диск или Облака на Оорт. Включват малки скалисти или ледени обекти, както и комети.
Такива обекти са Плутон, Хаумея, Кваоар, Макемаке, Ерида, Седна и др. Общият им брой не е известен, но вероятно са десетки до стотици хиляди или дори милиони, като повечето са значително по-малки от примерите, посочени по-горе.
Пространствено разпределение
На диаграмата са показани големите полуоси и орбитите на ТНО (включително обектите на Пояса на Кайпер). Кентаврите са поставени от лявата страна за сравнение. Резонантните обекти са маркирани в червено.
Към 26 май 2008 г. са известни 1077 обекта от транснептуновия пояс, които могат да бъдат разделени на три категории:
- Резонансни обекти: образуват орбитален резонанс 1:2, 2:3, 2:5, 3:4, 3:5, 4:5 или 4:7 спрямо Нептун. Обектите с резонанс 2:3 се наричат плутино, на името на най-известния представител, Плутон. Резонансните обекти обекти периодично се приближават по-близко до Слънцето, пресичайки орбитата на Нептун. Към 2005 г. са известни около 150 плутино и 22 други резонансни обекта. Смята се, че плутино съставляват между 10 % и 20 % от общия брой обекти в пояса на Кайпер и по този начин общият брой на плутино с диаметър над 100 km е над 30 000. [1]
- Класически обекти: имат приблизително кръгови орбити с лек наклон, не са свързани с движението на планетите. Такива обекти понякога се наричат кюбиуано след първия представител, 1992 QB1. През 2004 г. са известни 524 такива обекта. Кюбиуано формират централната част на пояса на Кайпер. [1]
- Разпръснати обекти: имат голям орбитален ексцентрицитет и в афелий могат да се отдалечат на няколкостотин астрономически единици от Слънцето. Разположени са във външната част на пояса. Известни са около 100 от тях, като общият им брой се приема приблизително равен на 10 000. [2] В много публикации обектите с разпръснати дискове се разглеждат като отделно семейство транснептунови обекти, които не са включени в пояса на Кайпер.
- ↑ а б Elkins-Tanton L. T. – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Outer Solar System. Серия „The Solar System“, ISBN 0-8160-5197-6, стр. 127, Издателство „Chelsea House“, New York, 2006.
- ↑ Elkins-Tanton L. T. – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Outer Solar System. Серия „The Solar System“, ISBN 0-8160-5197-6, стр. 131, Издателство „Chelsea House“, New York, 2006.