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Mary Steenburgen

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Theklan (eztabaida | ekarpenak)(r)en berrikusketa, ordua: 18:03, 3 uztaila 2023
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Mary Steenburgen

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakMary Nell Steenburgen
JaiotzaNewport1953ko otsailaren 8a (71 urte)
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
AitaMaurice Steenburgen
AmaNellie Mae Wall
Ezkontidea(k)Malcolm McDowell  (1980ko irailaren 29a -  1990eko urriaren 1a)
Ted Danson  (1995 -
HeziketaNeighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre (en) Itzuli
North Little Rock High School (en) Itzuli 1971)
Hendrix College (en) Itzuli
(1971 - 1972) : drama
Jardueraktelebista-ekoizlea, telebista-aktorea, zinema aktorea, zinema ekoizlea eta ahots-aktorea
Altuera173 zentimetro
Lantokia(k)Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Jasotako sariak

IMDB: nm0005460 Allocine: 1917 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/mary_steenburgen Allmovie: p67856 TCM: 183581 people/mary-steenburgen IBDB: 60944
Twitter: MarySteenburgen Instagram: mary_steenburgen Musicbrainz: 48cc7e51-6dd1-4947-ae7b-5f67f74b1c78 Discogs: 3622493 Edit the value on Wikidata

Mary Nell Steenburgen (Newport, Arkansas, 1953ko otsailaren 8a) estatubatuar aktore eta abeslaria da. Taldeko emakumezko aktore onenaren Oscar Saria irabazi zuen 1980an Melvin and Howard Jonathan Demmeren filmagatik. Bere filmen artean Parenthood, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Back to the Future Part III, Nixon eta Philadelphia nabarmentzen dute.

Urtea Filma Pertsonaia Oharra(k)
1978 Goin' South Julia Tate Moon
1979 Time After Time Amy
1980 Melvin and Howard Lynda West Dummar
1981 Ragtime Mother
1982 A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy Adrian
1983 Cross Creek Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
1983 Romantic Comedy Phoebe Craddock
1985 One Magic Christmas Ginny Grainger
1987 Dead of Winter Julie Rose / Katie McGovern / Evelyn
1987 The Whales of August Sarah (gaztea)
1987 End of the Line Rose Pickett
1989 Miss Firecracker Elaine Rutledge
1989 Parenthood Karen Buckman
1990 Back to the Future Part III Clara Clayton Brown
1990 The Long Walk Home Narratzailea Ahotsa
1991 The Butcher's Wife Stella Keefover
1993 What's Eating Gilbert Grape Betty Carver
1993 Philadelphia Belinda Conine
1994 Clifford Sarah Davis
1994 Pontiac Moon Katherine Bellamy
1994 It Runs in the Family Mrs. Parker (mother)
1995 My Family Gloria
1995 The Grass Harp Sister Ida
1995 Powder Jessie Caldwell
1995 Nixon Hannah Milhous Nixon
2001 Nobody's Baby Estelle
2001 The Trumpet of the Swan Ama Ahotsa
2001 Life as a House Colleen Beck
2001 I Am Sam Dr. Blake
2002 Sunshine State Francine Pinkney
2002 Wish You Were Dead Sally Rider
2003 Hope Springs Joanie Fisher
2003 Casa de los Babys Gayle
2003 Elf Emily Hobbs
2005 Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing & Charm School Marienne Hotchkiss
2006 The Dead Girl Leahren ama
2006 Inland Empire Visitor #2
2007 Elvis and Annabelle Geneva
2007 Nobel Son Sarah Michaelson
2007 Numb Dr. Blaine
2007 The Brave One Carol
2007 Honeydripper Amanda Winship
2008 Step Brothers Nancy Huff
2008 Four Christmases Marilyn
2009 American Outrage Narrator Documentary
2009 In the Electric Mist Bootsie Robicheaux
2009 The Proposal Grace Paxton
2009 The Open Road Katherine
2009 Did You Hear About the Morgans? Emma Wheeler
2010 Dirty Girl Peggy
2011 Keepin' It Real Estate Claire Film labur
2011 The Help Elaine Stein
2012 Mrs. Pilgrim Goes to Hollywood Mary
2013 Last Vegas Diana
2013 Brahmin Bulls Helen West
2013 The Tale of the Princess Kaguya The Bamboo Cutter's Wife Ahotsa
2014 Song One Karen
2015 A Walk in the Woods Jeannie
2016 The Book of Love Julia
2016 Dean Carol
2016 Katie Says Goodbye Maybelle
2017 The Discovery Interviewer
2017 I Do... Until I Don't Cybil Burger
2018 Book Club Carol
2018 Antiquities Dr. Margot
Artikulu hau Arkansasko biografia baten zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.