Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea
Marylandeko Unibertsitatea Izen ofiziala
University of Maryland , University of Maryland at College Park eta University of Maryland, College Park
Izen laburra UM Mota ikerketa-unibertsitate publikoa , land-grant university (en) , public educational institution of the United States (en) eta argitaletxea Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak Kidetza ORCID , Digital Library Federation (en) , Atlantic Coast Conference , Big Ten Conference , Big Ten Academic Alliance (en) , Program for Cooperative Cataloging (en) , Consortium of Social Science Associations (en) , arXiv , Association of American Universities (en) , American Council on Education (en) , National Humanities Alliance (en) , Open Education Network (en) , Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (en) , Coalition for Networked Information , Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (en) , Center for Research Libraries (en) , Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (en) eta National Digital Stewardship Alliance (en) Eskumendekoak
Virginia–Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (en) ,
University of Maryland College of Information Studies (en) ,
University of Maryland College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (en) ,
University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (en) ,
University of Maryland College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (en) ,
Robert H. Smith School of Business (en) ,
A. James Clark School of Engineering (en) ,
University of Maryland College of Arts and Humanities (en) ,
Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics (en) ,
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (en) ,
University of Maryland School of Public Policy (en) ,
University of Maryland School of Architecture (en) ,
Philip Merrill College of Journalism (en) ,
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (en) ,
University of Maryland School of Public Health (en) ,
Laboratory for Automation Psychology (en) ,
University of Maryland Human–Computer Interaction Lab (en) ,
University of Maryland Libraries (en) ,
Nyumburu Cultural Center (en) ,
Shuttle-UM (en) ,
University of Maryland School of Music (en) ,
President's Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues (University of Maryland) (en) ,
University of Maryland Department of Dance (en) ,
University of Maryland President's Commission on Women's Issues (en) ,
University of Maryland Honors College (en) ,
Gymkana (en) ,
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (en) ,
University of Maryland Bureau of Business and Economic Research (en) ,
University of Maryland College of Education (en) ,
University of Maryland Campus Mediation Services (en) ,
University of Maryland College of Business and Public Administration (en) ,
University of Maryland College of Engineering (en) ,
Maryland Cooperative Extension (en) ,
University of Maryland Graduate Student Association (en) ,
University of Maryland Campus Rights Committee (en) ,
University of Maryland Counseling Center (en) ,
Student Entertainment Events (en) ,
Stamp Union Program Council (en) ,
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (en) ,
University of Maryland Terrapin Trail Club (en) ,
College Park Faculty Assembly (en) ,
University of Maryland Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences (en) ,
University of Maryland Committee on Courses of Study (en) eta
University of Maryland Graduate School (en) Enplegatuak 10.000 (2020ko iraila ) Erabilitako hizkuntza ingeles Ikasle-kopurua 41.271 (2021) Onarpen-tasa 0,51 (2020) Erabiltzen du
Egoitza nagusi
Mitchell Building, 7999 Regents Dr, College Park, MD 20742 College Park
Jabea University System of Maryland (en) Zeren jabe
Ludwig Field (en) ,
Old Byrd Stadium (en) ,
Ritchie Coliseum (en) ,
Robert E. Taylor Stadium (en) ,
Shipley Field (en) ,
WMUC-FM (en) ,
Jones-Hill House (en) ,
SECU Stadium (en) ,
Stadium Drive Garage (en) ,
Glenn L. Martin Wind Tunnel (en) ,
Adele H. Stamp Student Union (en) ,
Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center (en) ,
University of Maryland Art Gallery (en) eta
Tawes Hall (en) Sorrera 1856 1858 Ordezkatzen du Maryland State College of Agriculture (en) Jasotako sariak webgune ofiziala
Marylandeko Unibertsitatea Marylandeko unibertsitate sistema publikoko unibertsitaterik adierazgarriena da. College Park herrian dago, Prince George konderrian , Washington Hiritik gertu, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan .
1856an sortua, unibertsitatea Maryland estatuko erakunde akademiko garrantzitsuena da, eta Greene's Guides (2001) giden egileen arabera, herrialdeko nabarmenenetakoa da. Bere egoerak leku pribilegiatua bihurtzen du; izan ere, hiriburu federaletik oso gertu egonik, unibertsitateko eta gobernu federaleko talde bateratuak sortu dira. Unibertsitateko zenbait kidek, besteak beste, Zientzia Fundazio Nazionala , Osasun Institutu Nazionalak , NASA , Defentsa Saila eta Segurtasun Agentzia Nazionala bezalako agentzien sorreran parte hartu dute. Amerikako Unibertsitateen Elkarteko kidea da.
2007ko ekitaldian, Marylandeko Unibertsitateak 1.000 milioi dolar baino gehiagoko aurrekontua zuen. [ 1] Unibertsitateak ere 400 milioi dolar jaso zituen dohaintza pribatuen bidez. [ 2]