Ce module sert à fournir la liste des bases au modèle {{Bases art}}.
Les différentes informations à renseigner sont visibles dans le tableau sur la page Modèle:Bases art#Utilisation, en particulier pour l'édition des colonnes Libellé et URL.
{{nom, langue du nom}, propriété Wikidata, format URL}
: colonne libellé de la documentation de la base ; texte affiché sur les pages où la base est utilisée.langue du nom
: code langue du libellé, pour l'accessibilité.propriété Wikidata
: colonne propriété.format URL
: colonne URL.
- Pour renseigner la langue de la base et son accessibilité
- Pour l'affichage par le modèle de la ou les langues de rédaction du contenu de la base (colonne langue) :
depuis sa documentation cliquez sur la propriété wikidata correspondante, éditez le paramètre P1630 (« format de l'URL ») et ajoutez le qualifier P407 (« langue de l'œuvre, du nom ou du terme ») avec la ou les langues voulues. Regardez par exemple le résultat sur la page P3973 (« identifiant Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum »). - Pour l'accessibilité de la lecture de la langue du libellé de la base :
éditer ce module pour chaque libellé qui n'est pas en français : remplacer par exemple"BookBrainz"
par{"BookBrainz", "en"}
- Ajout d'une base
Tout ajout ou suppression de base doit passer par Wikipédia:Ateliers Bases.
De manière générale si vous n'êtes pas sûr de vos actions, faite une demande sur cette même discussion.
Les autres paramètres sont importés par le module depuis la page wikidata de la propriété.
La documentation de ce module est générée par le modèle {{Documentation module}}.
Elle est incluse depuis sa sous-page de documentation. Veuillez placer les catégories sur cette page-là.
Les éditeurs peuvent travailler dans le bac à sable (modifier).
Voir les statistiques d'appel depuis le wikicode sur l'outil wstat et les appels depuis d'autres modules.
return {
-- { {nom, langue du nom}, propriété Wikidata, format URL}
{"Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux", "P12065", "$1"},
{"À nos grands hommes", "P6141", "$1"},
{"Académie des arts de Berlin", "P4114", "$1"},
{"Académie des beaux-arts", "P5363", "$1"},
{"L'Agence Photo RMN Grand Palais", "P6334", "$1"},
{"AGORHA", "P2342", "$1"},
{"AGORHA", "P2344", "$1"},
{"AGORHA", "P2345", "$1"},
{{"American Art Collaborative", "en"}, "P4692", "$1.html"},
{"Arcade", "P4764", "$1"},
-- {{"The Armory Show at 100", "en"}, "P6301", "$1/"},
{{"Art Institute of Chicago", "en"}, "P4610", "$1"},
{{"Art Institute of Chicago", "en"}, "P6294", "$1"},
{{"Art Institute of Chicago", "en"}, "P6295", "$1"},
{{"Art in the Christian Tradition", "en"}, "P9092", "$1"},
{{"Art UK", "en"}, "P1367", "$1"},
{{"Art UK <small>(lieux d'art)</small>", "en"}, "P1602", "$1"},
{{"Art UK", "en"}, "P1679", "$1"},
{{"Art UK <small>(collections)</small>", "en"}, "P1751", "$1"},
{{"Artist-info", "en"}, "P5507", "$1"},
{{"Artists of the World Online", "en"}, "P4432", "$1"},
-- {"Atlas", "P1212", "$1"}, -- remplacé par P9394
{{"Auckland Art Gallery", "en"}, "P3372", "$1/"},
{{"Belgian Art Links & Tools", "en"}, "P1901", "$1"},
{{"Belgian Art Links & Tools", "en"}, "P3293", "$1"},
{"''Bénézit''", "P2843", "$1"},
{{"Bildindex", "en"}, "P2092", "$1"},
{{"Biographisches Lexikon der Münzmeister, Wardeine, Stempelschneider und Medailleure", "de"}, "P6240", "$1"},
{{"bpk-Bildagentur", "de"}, "P5891", "$1"},
{{"Brasiliana Iconográfica", "pt"}, "P6004", "$1/wd"},
{{"Bridgeman Art Library", "en"}, "P3965", "$1"},
{{"British Council", "en"}, "P2399", "$1"},
-- {"British Museum", "P3632", "$1"},
-- {"British Museum", "P3633", "$1"},
{{"British Museum", "en"}, "P1711", "$1"},
{{"Brooklyn Museum", "en"}, "P4740", "$1"},
{{"Brooklyn Museum", "en"}, "P4899", "$1"},
{{"Carnegie Museum of Art", "en"}, "P4686", "$1"},
{"Catalogues des Musées de Florence", "P2242", "$1&value=1"},
{"Centre d'art britannique de Yale", "P4738", "$1"},
{"Centre national des arts plastiques", "P5403", "$1"},
{"Centre Pompidou", "P6323", "$1"},
-- {{"Cincinnati Art Museum", "en"}, "P8639", "$1"},
-- {"Clara", "P1615", "$1"}, -- site hors ligne
{"Collection de peintures de l'État de Bavière", "P4025", "$1"},
{{"Cooper–Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum", "en"}, "P2011", "$1/"},
{{"Cranach Digital Archive", "en"}, "P5783", "$1"},
{"''Delarge''", "P1988", "$1"},
{{"Design & Art Australia Online", "en"}, "P1707", "$1"},
{"''Dictionnaire des peintres belges''", "P4687", "$1"},
{{"e-Museum", "en"}, "P4257", "$1"},
{{"ECARTICO", "nl"}, "P2915", "$1"},
{{"Fitzwilliam Museum", "en"}, "P8910", "$1"},
{"Fondation Barnes", "P4709", "$1/details"},
{"Fondation Federico Zeri", "P3272", "$1/"},
{"Fondation Maeght", "P6525", "$1/wd"},
{"Fondation Solomon R. Guggenheim", "P4737", "$1"},
{{"Fundación Goya en Aragón", "es"}, "P7229", "$1"},
{"Galerie berlinoise", "P4580", "$1&viewType=detailView"},
{{"Galerie des Offices", "en"}, "P8335", "$1"},
{"Galerie nationale d'Arménie", "P5210", "$1/"},
{"Galerie nationale de Finlande", "P4177", "$1"},
{"Galerie nationale de Prague", "P9942", "$1"},
{{"Google Arts & Culture", "en"}, "P4701", "$1"},
{{"Google Arts & Culture", "en"}, "P4702", "$1"},
{{"Grove Art Online", "en"}, "P8406", "$1"},
{"Iconothèque historique de l'océan Indien", "P6356", "$1&lang=fra"},
{{"Index of Historic Collectors and Dealers of Cubism", "en"}, "P5921", "$1"},
{{"Information Center for Israeli Art", "en"}, "P1736", "$1"},
{"Institut national de recherche pour les biens culturels", "P5567", "$1.html"},
{{"Inventario 1890", "it"}, "P1726", "$1"},
{{"Inventario Palatina", "it"}, "P3504", "$1"},
{{"Inventario Sculture", "it"}, "P3467", "$1"},
{{"Inventories of American Painting and Sculpture", "en"}, "P4814", "$1"},
{{"J. Paul Getty Museum", "en"}, "P2432", "$1"},
{{"J. Paul Getty Museum", "en"}, "P2582", "$1"},
{{"Joan Miró Online Image Bank", "en"}, "P6489", "$1"},
{"Joconde", "P347", "$1"},
{{"Kulturelles Erbe Köln", "de"}, "P4582", "$1"},
{{"Kunstindeks Danmark", "da"}, "P1138", "$1"},
{{"LombardiaBeniCulturali", "it"}, "P3855", "$1/"},
{{"Lost Art", "en"}, "P1428", "$1"},
{{"Mapping Sculpture", "en"}, "P2914", "$1"},
{{"Metropolitan Museum of Art", "en"}, "P3634", "$1"},
{{"Minneapolis Institute of Art", "en"}, "P4712", "$1"},
{"MNBAQ", "P8336", "$1"},
{"Monuments aux morts", "P6238", "$1/wd/"},
{{"Monuments commemoratius de Catalunya", "ca"}, "P6239", "$1"},
-- {{"MuBE Virtual", "en"}, "P4721", "$1"},
{"Musée Boijmans Van Beuningen", "P5499", "$1"},
{"Musée d'Art d'Indianapolis", "P4674", "$1/"},
{"Musée d'Art du comté de Los Angeles", "P4611", "$1"},
{"Musée d'Art moderne de Paris", "P6374", "$1"},
{"Musée d'art Nelson-Atkins", "P5273", "$1"},
{"Musée d'Histoire de l'art de Vienne", "P8960", "$1/"},
{"Musée d'Orsay", "P2268", "$1"},
{"Musée d'Orsay", "P4659", "$1"},
{"Musée des Augustins de Toulouse", "P4739", "$1"},
{"Musée des Beaux-Arts de Boston", "P4625", "$1"},
-- {"Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand", "P2511", "$1"},
{"Musée des Beaux-Arts de Houston", "P4673", "$1"},
{"Musée des beaux-arts du Canada", "P5368", "$1"},
{"Musée du Louvre <small>(collections)</small>", "P9394", "$1"},
{"Musée du Prado", "P5321", "$1"},
{{"Musée du Prado", "en"}, "P8905", "$1"},
-- {"Musée Groeninge", "P2282", "$1"},
{{"Musée national centre d'art Reina Sofía", "es"}, "P4439", "$1"},
{"Musée national d'Art moderne", "P6355", "$1"},
{{"Musée national du Victoria", "en"}, "P2041", "$1/"},
{{"Musée national du Victoria", "en"}, "P4684", "$1/"},
{"Musée Picasso", "P6358", "$1"},
{"Musée royal des Beaux-Arts d'Anvers", "P4905", "$1"},
{"Musée Städel", "P4581", "$1"},
{"Musée Thyssen-Bornemisza", "P2431", "$1"},
{{"Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales", "es"}, "P5268", "$1"},
{{"Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales", "es"}, "P6156", "$1"},
{{"Museum of Modern Art", "en"}, "P2014", "$1"},
{{"Museum of Modern Art", "en"}, "P2174", "$1"},
{{"Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel", "de"}, "P5407", "$1"},
{{"MutualArt", "en"}, "P6578", "$1"},
{{"National Gallery of Art", "en"}, "P2252", "$1.html"},
{{"National Gallery of Art", "en"}, "P4683", "$1.html"},
{{"National Portrait Gallery", "en"}, "P1816", "$1"},
{{"National Portrait Gallery", "en"}, "P6152", "$1"},
{{"National Trust Collections", "en"}, "P4373", "$1"},
{{"Nationalmuseum", "sv"}, "P2538", "$1"},
{{"Nederlands Fotomuseum", "nl"}, "P7837", "$1"},
{{"Norsk kunstnerleksikon", "no"}, "P5081", "$1"},
{{"Österreichische Galerie Belvedere", "de"}, "P3421", "$1/"},
{{"Österreichische Galerie Belvedere", "de"}, "P5823", "$1/"},
{"Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille", "P8962", "$1"},
{"Palissy", "P481", "$1"},
{"Panorama de l'art", "P6332", "$1"},
{"Paris Musées", "P6246", "$1"},
-- {{"Photographers' Identities Catalog", "en"}, "P2750", "$1"},
{{"Philadelphia Museum of Art", "en"}, "P4643", "$1.html"},
-- {"Répertoire de sculpture française", "P2380", "$1"}, -- site désormais non fonctionnel
{{"RKDartists", "en"}, "P650", "$1"},
{{"RKDimages", "en"}, "P350", "$1"},
{{"Royal Academy of Arts", "en"}, "P4808", "$1"},
{"Salons 1673-1914", "P6007", "$1"},
{{"", "de"}, "P1422", "$1"},
{{"", "de"}, "P4380", "$1"},
{{"", "sv"}, "P5316", "$1.htm"},
{{"SIKART", "de"}, "P781", "$1&lng=fr"},
{{"Smarthistory", "en"}, "P6405", "$1/"},
{{"Smithsonian American Art Museum", "en"}, "P1795", "$1"},
{{"Tate", "en"}, "P2741", "$1"},
{{"Te Papa Tongarewa", "mi"}, "P3544", "$1"},
{{"Union List of Artist Names", "en"}, "P245", "$1"},
{"Utpictura18", "P6663", "$1"},
{{"Victoria and Albert Museum", "en"}, "P3929", "$1"},
{{"Walters Art Museum", "en"}, "P4713", "$1"},