Introduction / The prayer of the liturgy: how the Spirit's sober inebriation brings joy to the praying soul / The fellowship of the liturgy: each for all and all for Christ / The style of the liturgy: heaven in a grain of incense / The symbolism of the liturgy: together again for the first time everywhere / The playfulness of the liturgy: at prayer in the fields of the Lord / The seriousness of the liturgy: some good and weighty truths about beauty / The primacy of the logos over the ethos: by neither word no bread alone /
The Case for Difference : -- 'How beautifu the feet' : discerning the assembly's path on Holy Thursday / Acts of uniformity / Leadership and Ministry through Liturgy : -- 'The performance of queerness' : trans priesthood as gesture towards a queered liturgical assembly / All things to all? : requeering Stuart's eucharistic erasure of priestly sex / The queer body in the wedding / I had to do it for my son : the story of a same-sex wedding / Liturgy in Migration : People, Culture and Language : -- Liturgy, language and diaspora : some reflections on inclusion as integration by a migratory liturgical magpie / Liturgy's missional character : trusting truth in real bodies of culture and tradition / 'beyond words, gestures and speces : evoking and imagining liturgical contradictions' / Liturgy and Mission in the World : -- 'All are welcome?' : a sermon / Preaching in an age of disaffiliation : respecting dissent while keeping the faith / Worship through sanctuary / Same-gender union / The marriage service of Benjamin Bauer and Nicholas Senn : the order of service for witnessing a lifelong covenant
The Case for Difference : -- 'How beautifu the feet' : discerning the assembly's path on Holy Thursday / Acts of uniformity / Leadership and Ministry through Liturgy : -- 'The performance of queerness' : trans priesthood as gesture towards a queered liturgical assembly / All things to all? : requeering Stuart's eucharistic erasure of priestly sex / The queer body in the wedding / I had to do it for my son : the story of a same-sex wedding / Liturgy in Migration : People, Culture and Language : -- Liturgy, language and diaspora : some reflections on inclusion as integration by a migratory liturgical magpie / Liturgy's missional character : trusting truth in real bodies of culture and tradition / 'beyond words, gestures and speces : evoking and imagining liturgical contradictions' / Liturgy and Mission in the World : -- 'All are welcome?' : a sermon / Preaching in an age of disaffiliation : respecting dissent while keeping the faith / Worship through sanctuary / Same-gender union / The marriage service of Benjamin Bauer and Nicholas Senn : the order of service for witnessing a lifelong covenant
What is the purpose of the diaconate?: a normative description of the diaconate / How is the diaconate changing?: trends in the presence and ministry of deacons / Who are the deacons?: demographic characteristics of deacons / What does it take to become a deacon?: deacons' vocation and formation / What do the deacons do?: the ministries of deacons / Is it satisfying to be a deacon?: measuring satisfaction among deacons / What does it mean to be a deacon's wife? / Where do deacons fit within the diocese? /
Liturgy in its social context -- History, outline, and methods of liturgics -- Historical sketch of the Roman liturgy -- Theology of the liturgy -- Forms and methods of expression in worship -- Initiation -- Canon of the Mass: Eucharistic Prayer II as an example -- Structures of the Liturgies of the Hours -- Structure and content of the Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium.
London : Henry Bradshaw Society ; Woodbridge, UK : Boydell Press, 2017.
9781907497346 (hardbound)
Medieval Rome and Ancient Rites. Doxa en ipsistis Theo:its textual and melodic tradition in the 'Missa graeca' / The changing roles of Old Saint Peter's in Late Antique and early medieval Rome / The archdeacon, power, and liturgy before 1000 / The earliest antiphons of the Roman office / The Paschal vigil in medieval Rome / As the bells toll: parish proximity in medieval Rome / The moment of scrutiny in the Missale Gallicanum Vetus and the instruction of catechuments in Merovingian and Carolingian Francia / The Liturgies of Italy. Melodic style and the transmission history of the Beneventan Easter vigil canticles / Fitting new texts into old melodies: the diffusion and technique of Prosulas for tracts and graduals / Books, Sources, and Reform in the Wake of Rome. Singing the psalter in the early middle ages / The tonality of the numerical offices in Canbrai, Mediatheque municipal, MS 38 / Revisiting the Admonitio generalis / An overlooked source of the Pontiical romain du XIIe siecle and its chants: Lyon, Bibliotheque des Facultes Catholiques, MS Reserve 1/0011 (olim MS 2) / Roman Foundations: Later Liturgical Developments. Music and the Cluniac vision of history in Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, MS lat. 17716 / To chant in a vale of tears / Melodic trope as a modal rhetoric / Invictissimus summi regis bellator Georgius: proper office chants for St George in South German manuscripts / Notre-Dame and the challenge of the Sainte-Chapelle in thirteenth-century Paris / Music for the confraternity of St James in Paris /
Notre Dame, Indiana : University of Notre Dame Press, [2017]
9780268101381 (hardcover)
Icon and image East and West / Out of the white box and back to imagery: post-Vatican II iconoclasm and beyond / Vital inbreathing: iconicity beyond representation in late antiquity / Shaping the sacred: icons, processions, and the presence of the holy / Sacred art in Armenia: exterior sculpted reliefs / From Trent to Tierra del Fuego / Sources of inspiration for the contemporary iconographer / Can I pray with this icon if it's only a print? Towards a pastoral interpretation of Orthodox iconography /
Yonkers, New York : St . Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2016.
Introduction / The development of Christian funeral rites -- The funeral rites and practices -- Prayers for the dead -- The liturgy of death and contemporary culture -- Appendix : The order for the burial of the dead.
Beauty in the sacred liturgy and the beauty of a holy life / The reform of the reform / The post-Vatican II revision of collects: solemnities and feasts / The ease of beauty: liturgy, evangelization, and catechesis / Addressing the triumph of bad taste: church patronage of art, architecture, and music / Liturgical music is non-negotiable / Liturgical leadership in a secular society: a bishop's perspective / Youth and the liturgy / The renewed understanding of the liturgy of the word / The formation of priests in "The spirit and power of the liturgy" (Sacrosanctum Concilium 14) observations on the implementation of the Constitution and proposals for the liturgical formation of priests in the twenty-first century / Liturgy as the source of priestly identity / Holy week reforms revisited, some new material and paths for further study / Liturgical formation and Catholic identity / The reform of the lectionary / The reform of the calendar and the reduction of liturgical capitulation / Living the liturgy: a monastic contribution to liturgical renewal / Homily at the solemn votive Mass of the Holy Angels /