The Book of common prayerand administration of the sacraments; and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States of America together with the Psalter or Psalms of DavidBookPublished 1856Book
Flagellum daemonumexorcismos terribiles potentissimos & efficaces remediaque probatissima ac doctrinam singularem in malignos spiritus expellendos facturasque & maleficia fuganda de obsessis corporibus complectens cum suis benedictionibus & omnibus requisitis ad eorum expulsionem ; accessit postremo pars secunda quae Fustis daemonum inscribitur quibus novi exorcismi & alia nonnulla quae prius desiderabantur super addita fueruntBookby Menghi, Girolamo, 1529-1609
Published 1697Book
Prayers before and after Holy Communion in several languages of the natives of British Columbia in the diocese of Vancouverextracted from the various books of the various tribes approved by the ordinaryBookPublished 1925Book