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Arkivo:Salvador Jovellanos Guanes.jpg

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Español: Presidente de la República.
Dato Antes del siglo xx
Autoro NekonataUnknown author


Public domain This work was first published in Paraguay and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law No. 1328/98 on Copyright and Related Rights, enacted 1998 (details). The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous work or pseudonymous work and 70 years have passed since the date of its publication (or creation, whatever date is the latest)
  • It is a collective, audiovisual or broadcast work, and 70 years have passed since the date of its publication (or creation, whatever date is the latest)
  • It is another kind of work, and 70 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is one of "official texts of legislative, administrative or judicial character, or translations thereof"


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aktuala15:17, 31 mar. 2022Imajeto di versiono ye 15:17, 31 mar. 20221 080 × 1 410 (267 KB)Pablo A. Segovia
22:10, 26 jun. 2021Imajeto di versiono ye 22:10, 26 jun. 2021464 × 661 (159 KB)Pablo A. SegoviaUploaded a work by Desconocido. from with UploadWizard

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