We would like to announce the release of MediaWiki Language Extension
Bundle 2023.10. This bundle is compatible with '''MediaWiki >=
1.39.0''' and requires '''PHP >= 7.4.0'''.
The next MLEB is expected to be released in 3 months. If there are
very important bug fixes, we will do an intermediate release. Please
give us your feedback at
* Download: https://…
[View More]translatewiki.net/mleb/MediaWikiLanguageExtensionBundle-2023.10.tar…
* sha256sum: 8b3f356014f1bfdf8c08ec8778c200f1e25567c210d1ee93ba7b7e3f894947ab
* Signature: https://translatewiki.net/mleb/MediaWikiLanguageExtensionBundle-2023.10.tar…
Quick links:
* Installation instructions are at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MLEB
* Announcements of new releases will be posted to a mailing list:
* Report bugs to: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/1464
Release notes for each extension are below.
== Highlights ==
* Translate extension: Removed <code>mirrors</code> option when
providing configuration for translation memory.
== Babel ==
* Localisation and maintenance updates.
== CleanChanges ==
* Localisation and maintenance updates.
== cldr ==
* Localisation and maintenance updates.
== Translate ==
* Removed <code>mirrors</code> option when providing configuration for
translation memory. See
* Translate extension no longer uses jQuery.ui ({{phab|T323332}}).
* Added an option to leave a redirect when moving a translatable page
* Improve compatibility between syntaxhighlight and translate when
using Parsoid ({{phab|T341009}}, {{gerrit|957761}}).
* Special:PagePreparation: Improve error handling, and message
displayed to the user. ({{phab|T342628}}).
* Special:AggregateGroups: Replace previous group selector with a more
user-friendly group selection tool.
* Made UI tweaks to search translations page to break long words to
avoid breaking the layout ({{gerrit|968673}}).
* Localisation and maintenance updates.
== UniversalLanguageSelector ==
* Added AwamiNastaliqBold font ({{gerrit|957266}}).
* Removed all TTF font files ({{gerrit|957273}}).
* Added Tiro Bangla font for Bengali Language ({{phab|T343658}}).
* Updated Junicode font to 2.100 ({{phab|T253006}}).
* Save preferred languages for named users only ({{phab|T337780}}).
* Fixed an error that would cause ULS to not open when clicked if the
wiki is configured to allow anonymous users to change their language
* Localisation and maintenance updates.
Kartik Mistry | કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી
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