Dear users, developers and all people interested in semantic wikis,
We are happy to announce SMWCon Fall 2013 - the 8th Semantic MediaWiki
* Dates: October 28th to October 30th 2013 (Monday to Wednesday)
* Location: A&O Berlin Hauptbahnhof, Lehrter Str. 12, 10557 Berlin, Germany
* Conference wikipage:
* Participants: Everybody interested in semantic wikis, especially in
Semantic MediaWiki, …
[View More]e.g., users, developers, consultants, business
representatives, researchers.
SMWCon Fall 2013 will be supported by the Open Semantic Data
Association e. V. [1]. Our platinum sponsor will be WikiVote ltd,
Russia [2].
Following the success of recent SMWCons, we will have one tutorial day
and two conference days.
Participating in the conference: To help us planning, you can already
informally register on the wikipage, although a firm registration will
later be needed.
Contributing to the conference: If you want to present your work in
the conference please go to the conference wikipage and add your talk
there. To create an attractive program for the conference, we will
later ask you to give further information about your proposals.
Tutorials and presentations will be video and audio recorded and will
be made available for others after the conference.
==Among others, we encourage contributions on the following topics==
===Applications of semantic wikis===
* Semantic wikis for enterprise workflows and business intelligence
* Semantic wikis for corporate or personal knowledge management
* Exchange on business models with semantic wikis
* Lessons learned (best/worst practices) from using semantic wikis or
their extensions
* Semantic wikis in e-science, e-learning, e-health, e-government
* Semantic wikis for finding a common vocabulary among a group of people
* Semantic wikis for teaching students about the Semantic Web
* Offering incentives for users of semantic wikis
===Development of semantic wikis===
* Semantic wikis as knowledge base backends / data integration platforms
* Comparisons of semantic wiki concepts and technologies
* Community building, feature wishlists, roadmapping of Semantic MediaWiki
* Improving user experience in a semantic wiki
* Speeding up semantic wikis
* Integrations and interoperability of semantic wikis with other
applications and mashups
* Modeling of complex domains in semantic wikis, using rules, formulas etc.
* Access control and security aspects in semantic wikis
* Multilingual semantic wikis
If you have questions you can contact me (Yury Katkov, Program Chair),
Benedikt Kämpgen (General Chair) or Karsten Hoffmeyer (Local Chair)
per e-mail (Cc).
Hope to see you in Berlin
Yury Katkov, Program Chair
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I received this in my mail. I think that many opportunities in combination
with maps can have maybe even should have a Wikidata dimension. The three
things that Wikidata has to offer are:
- support for multiple languages
- support for geo locations
- support for dates of events
The maps of battle fields in the USA is a Wikidata best practice, the map
that is being compiled with railway stations is another..
Another important reason why Wikidata and Commons could / should …
[View More]cooperate
is because in six months time (hopefully) the Wikidata team will start
working on integrating Wikidata technology in Commons. At that time good
cooperation will become even more relevant.
So, I think Wikidata may have a place in the coming talks, deliberations
and, that is why I forward this mail to the WD list.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Susanna Ånäs <susanna.anas(a)>
Date: 21 November 2013 15:48
Subject: [Commons-l] Please join the Wikimaps design & developer meeting!
To: commons-l(a)
Hi all!
There will be 2 overlapping creative communities for planning Wikimaps
1. Wikimaps Designers & Developers (GLAM & map Wikipedians,
OpenHistoricalMappers etc)
2. Wikimaps Nordic (Regional collaboration: Wikimedia chapters,
wikimedians, mappers and GLAMs from the Nordic countries)
This is an invitation to join the international designer & developer
community. Wikimaps Nordic will form a project community in the beginning
of January.
We’ll arrange a video conference with *
Tuesday December 3
at 8:00 PDT - 11:00 EST - 16:00 GMT - 17:00 CET - 18:00 EET - 21:00 IST
Sign up in the collaborative Etherpad
Let's talk freely about what Wikimaps could be. Here are some ideas to get
you started. See, comment and discuss them here:
*Meeting agenda*
Introductions 30 min
1. Round for presentations ~1 min per person
2. Brief presentations of Wikimaps projects ~2 min / ~8 projects
Discussion 70 min
3. Discuss expectations. Create working groups. Focus on a project or two.
4. What kind of technologies and communication tools we will use
Practicalities 20 min
5. Future schedule for the process
6. To-Do before the next meeting
See you soon!
Susanna Ånäs / Wikimedia Suomi
Info about Wikimaps Nordic with links to Wikimaps info:…
I've cross-posted this on maps-l, commons-l, cultural partners in wikimedia
and historic at osm
*Susanna Ånäs *Käyttäjä:Susannaanas
Wikimedia Suomi <>
– GLAM <>
– tiedotus – yhteistyö
/ @ <>
WMFinland <>
/ Facebook <>
/ Liity jäseneksi!
Commons-l mailing list
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We are looking for a python developer to create bots for uploading economic
statistics into Wikidata. Economic data is usually from non-controversial
sources such as the World Bank, IMF and other government sources.
Statistics include GDP, GDP by industry, employment by industry, government
budgets, inflation, etc.
The python developer who builds the bots will be paid as part of this newly
proposed IEG:…
[View More]Global_Economic_Map
If you have the python skill and want to be apart of this project, you can
just send me a message here.
Thanks in advance for your help,
[View Less]
Good day all,
This weeks summary is now available for you all to read. This week includes
a large amount of RfC closures you all may wish to read up on as well as a
blog about Wikidata.
Also, this weeks summary was pushed using the new MassMessage extension on
Wikimedia. So big thanks to Kunal (Legoktm) for spending time developing
Hey everyone!
We have a first version of the quantities datatype available for
testing now on It still has a few rough edges that
we need to fix before we can enable it on Wikidata but I wanted to
give you a chance to test it now already and help find issues early.
Here's a test property using the quantities datatype:
Lydia Pintscher -…
[View More]http/
Product Manager for Wikidata
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Obentrautstr. 72
10963 Berlin
Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg
unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das
Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.
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In the latest hack by Magnus, he has expanded the search capability to
Wikidata so that you will get automatically generated descriptions but also
a link to Commons, a link to the Wikipedias and a link to the Reasonator.
The last bit is extra special because it will show you information in the
language of the Wiki with a fall back to English. At this stage Reasonator
only works for people. (ie "is a" "human").
What we would like is to have a nice logo for the Reasonator. it should
look …
[View More]good as an icon in the search and it should look good on a bigger
scale. I asked Lydia and, she may throw in a Wikidata T-shirt if she likes
the result.
I blogged about all this, [1] and, there is a link included that explains
how to add the search capability to your Wikipedia profile.
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Will you please stop sending these?
One of these messages was okay (even though I consider it mildly
inappropriate). This is the third one you've sent.
This is not what this mailing list is for.
On Nov 21, 2013 12:57 PM, <speroni(a)> wrote:
> ** apologies for cross-posting **
> ==== Final Call for Tutorials ====
> ESWC 2014 invites tutorials …
[View More]that address the interests of its varied
> audience: people new to the Semantic Web, Semantic Web researchers and
> practitioners that wish to learn new technologies, users of Semantic Web
> technologies, and representatives of government and funding agencies as
> well as potential private investors in Semantic Web technologies. We
> welcome submissions of tutorial proposals on all major topics related to
> semantic technologies.
> We especially solicit proposals for tutorials of the following types:
> - Tutorials with a coherent theme providing an introduction to new
> semantic technologies and trends.
> - Tutorials describing the application of semantic technologies in
> specific domains (e.g., life-sciences, e-government, e-commerce, cultural
> heritage, etc.).
> - Tutorials presenting techniques from other research fields that are of
> relevance for Semantic Web research especially in relationship to the
> tracks of the conference (e.g., techniques from social science, database
> techniques, NLP techniques etc.).
> Tutorials can be half a day or a full day.
> We advise having more than one presenter and no more than three,
> preferably from different institutions, bringing different perspectives to
> the tutorial topic.
> Tutorials may focus entirely on theoretical aspects; however, we encourage
> organisers to incorporate hands-on sessions where appropriate. The
> tutorials should reach a good balance between the topic coverage and its
> relevance to the community.
> Timeline for Tutorials
> -----------
> Proposals due: Nov 22, 2013 - 23:59 Hawaii Time
> Notification of acceptance: Dec 6, 2013 - 23:59 Hawaii Time
> Tutorial Web site due: Dec 16, 2013 - 23:59 Hawaii Time
> Camera-ready material due: Apr 25, 2014 - 23:59 Hawaii Time
> Tutorial days: May 25 and May 26, 2014
> Responsibilities
> -----------
> Organizers of accepted tutorials are responsible for preparing and
> maintaining a Web site that describes the tutorial and includes all
> relevant information. Organizers are also responsible for submitting the
> material for attendees (slide sets, additional teaching material, software
> installation and usage guides for practical hands-on sessions, etc.) to the
> Tutorial Chair. The ESWC 2014 Organizing Committee is responsible for
> providing publicity for the tutorials as part of the conference publicity
> activities, and on-site logistical support to the organizers and attendees.
> Tutorial attendees must pay the ESWC 2014 workshop registration fee, as
> well as the conference registration fee.
> General Information
> -----------
> Each tutorial will have one reduced registration fee (pre-conference days
> registration will be free i.e. one of the chairs will only have to pay the
> main conference fees).
> In the interest of the overall quality of the conference, the Tutorial
> Chair reserves the right to merge tutorials and/or adjust the scope thereof
> in case a mimimum number of registrations is not reached by the early
> registration deadline.
> Submission details
> -----------
> Tutorial proposals should not exceed 5 pages, using an 11 pt font for the
> body of the text of the proposal and should contain the following
> information:
> - Abstract (200 words maximum, for inclusion on the ESWC 2014 website).
> - Tutorial description: More specifically, it should specify the
> objectives of the tutorial and relevance to ESWC 2014, include enough
> details on the scope of the material to be covered and the depth to which
> it will be covered and specify the intended audience and any prerequisite
> knowledge. Appropriate references to the material to be covered by the
> tutorial must be included.
> - Tutorial length. The tutorial can be full or half day (if the tutorial
> can be either length, please be sure to identify which material is included
> for each length).
> - Specify other venues to which the tutorial or part thereof has or will
> be presented, in addition to explaining how the current tutorial differs
> from the other editions. Links to the slides of those tutorial editions
> should be included in the proposal.
> - Brief professional biography of the presenter(s) indicating previous
> training and speaking experience (such as teaching and tutorial
> presentation).
> Each proposal will be reviewed by the members of the tutorial programme
> committee, and ranked based on the overall quality of the proposal and the
> tutorial's fit to the conference. Their recommendation will determine the
> final decision on the acceptance/rejection of each proposal.
> Submission
> -----------
> Submission will be through the Easychair system (please note that it is
> the same site to submit workshops and tutorials)
> Tutorials Chair
> Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse, Fr)
> email: aussenac(a)
> _______________________________________________
> Wikidata-l mailing list
> Wikidata-l(a)
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