Forwarding because this (ambitious!) proposal may be of interest to people
on other lists. I'm not endorsing the proposal at this time, but I'm
curious about it.
( )
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Denny Vrandečić <vrandecic(a)>
Date: Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 6:32 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Wikipedia in an abstract language
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l(a)…
[View More]gt;
Semantic Web languages allow to express ontologies and knowledge bases in a
way meant to be particularly amenable to the Web. Ontologies formalize the
shared understanding of a domain. But the most expressive and widespread
languages that we know of are human natural languages, and the largest
knowledge base we have is the wealth of text written in human languages.
We looks for a path to bridge the gap between knowledge representation
languages such as OWL and human natural languages such as English. We
propose a project to simultaneously expose that gap, allow to collaborate
on closing it, make progress widely visible, and is highly attractive and
valuable in its own right: a Wikipedia written in an abstract language to
be rendered into any natural language on request. This would make current
Wikipedia editors about 100x more productive, and increase the content of
Wikipedia by 10x. For billions of users this will unlock knowledge they
currently do not have access to.
My first talk on this topic will be on October 10, 2018, 16:45-17:00, at
the Asilomar in Monterey, CA during the Blue Sky track of ISWC. My second,
longer talk on the topic will be at the DL workshop in Tempe, AZ, October
27-29. Comments are very welcome as I prepare the slides and the talk.
Link to the paper:
Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at: and
New messages to: Wikimedia-l(a)
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This recent announcement by the Structured Data team perhaps ought to be
quite a heads-up for us:…
Essentially the team has given up on the hope of using Wikidata
hierarchies to suggest generalised "depicts" values to store for images
on Commons, to match against terms in incoming search requests.
i.e. if an image is of a German Shepherd dog, and identified as such,
the team …
[View More]has given up on trying to infer in general from Wikidata that
'dog' is also a search term that such an image should score positively with.
Apparently the Wikidata hierarchies were simply too complicated, too
unpredictable, and too arbitrary and inconsistent in their design across
different subject areas to be readily assimilated (before one even
starts on the density of bugs and glitches that then undermine them).
Instead, if that image ought to be considered in a search for 'dog', it
looks as though an explicit 'depicts:dog' statement may be going to be
needed to be specifically present, in addition to 'depicts:German Shepherd'.
Some of the background behind this assessment can be read in
in particular the first substantive comment on that ticket, by Cparle on
10 July, giving his quick initial read of some of the issues using
Wikidata would face.
SDC was considered a flagship end-application for Wikidata. If the data
in Wikidata is not usable enough to supply the dogfood that project was
expected to be going to be relying on, that should be a serious wake-up
call, a red flag we should not ignore.
If the way data is organised across different subjects is currently too
inconsistent and confusing to be usable by our own SDC project, are
there actions we can take to address that? Are there design principles
to be chosen that then need to be applied consistently? Is this
something the community can do, or is some more active direction going
to need to be applied?
Wikidata's 'ontology' has grown haphazardly, with little oversight, like
an untended bank of weeds. Is some more active gardening now required?
-- James.
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Hello all,
As you may know, ORES is a tool analyzing edits to detect vandalism,
providing a score per edit. You can see the result on Recent Changes, you
can also let us know when you find something wrong
But do you know that you can also directly help ORES to improve? We just
launched a new labeling campaign
[View More]wikidatawiki/>: after authorizing your
account with OAuth, you will see some real edits, and you will be asked if
you find them damaging or not, good faith or bad faith. Completing a set
will take you around 10 minutes.
The last time we run this campaign was in 2015. Since then, the way of
editing Wikidata changed, some vandalism patterns as well (for example,
there are more vandalism on companies). So, if you're familiar with the
Wikidata rules and you would be willing to give a bit of time to help
fighting against vandalism, please participate
<> :)
If you encounter any problem or have question about the tool, feel free to
contact Ladsgroup <>.
Léa Lacroix
Project Manager Community Communication for Wikidata
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin
Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
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Hello -
I've got a very basic wikibase up and running, using this tutorial:…
The tutorial along with the docker images make getting up and running
pretty easy - So I've got a small base loaded - 7 properties, a couple of
"core items", and then about 2000 jazz musicians. All seems mostly fine - I
can query it via SPARQL, edit items in wikibase, and create pages in the
wiki. The …
[View More]sample code is a touch out of date because the wikidata client
library used for the examples has evolved a bit, but it wasn't too hard to
figure out.
However, I can't seem to create a link from the item to a page in my wiki -
I don't appear to be have a site that I can link against. When I try to use
this page:
whatever i try, it tells me that my site ID is unknown, and that I should
try a known site like 'enwiki' (which also fails). I've tried just about
every variation of siteID that I can think of.
Trying to add a site link in the wikidata item page for an item fails too -
when I try to add a link, I'm never presented with a list of sites to
potentially link to in the 'Wikipedia' box (and in the
wikinews/wikivoyage/etc sitelink boxes)
The wikibase installation page at…
suggests running these commands:
php lib/maintenance/populateSitesTable.php
php repo/maintenance/rebuildItemsPerSite.php
So I docker exec'ed into the wikibase container and ran them. Now, I'm
presented with site link options - but all to sites, not my
local site.
I've tried inserting a row into the 'sites' table in MySQL to something
that points to the local site, but still no dice.
Can someone point me at what I'm missing?
Related: the docker-compose system that comes up also brings up a regular
mediawiki site, and it seemingly has the wikibase-client extension running,
because I can reference my local wikibase data and pull out properties for
items - for example, I can make a page for 'Teddy Edwards', and use this
syntax and get a result:
P7 in the tutorial is the URL for an image from the linkedjazz site. (Teddy
Edwards is assigned Q1932 in the tutorial I'm following)
However, because I can't make a sitelink from to
And (I think) because of the lack of that sitelink, the wikibase client
only works with the |from syntax - if I put in my Teddy_Edwards article
just a {{#statements:P7}} line, I get no results when it's rendered.
Am I correct that this second problem is tied to my first problem?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
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I have a couple of questions regarding the Wiki Page ID. Does it always
stay unique for the page, where the page itself is just a placeholder for
any kind of information that might change over time?
Consider the following cases:
1. The first time someone creates page "Moon" it is assigned ID=1. If at
some point the page is renamed to "The_Moon", the ID=1 remains intact. Is
this correct?
2. What if we have page "Moon" with ID=1. Someone creates a second-page
"The_Moon" with ID=2. Is it …
[View More]possible that page "Moon" is transformed into a
redirect? Then, "Moon" would be redirecting to page "The_Moon"?
3. Is it possible for page "Moon" to become a category "Category:Moon" with
the same ID=1?
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Dear fellow Wikidataists,
did you know that data in Wikidata about Asian countries is 100% complete
for the head of government, yet is only 33% complete for the central bank?
Did you know that data in Wikidata about African countries is less complete
than European countries?
As an early little birthday gift for the 6th Birthday of Wikidata, we are
proud to release ProWD - Profiling WikiData. ProWD is a tool to analyze
data completeness in Wikidata, which is based on the class (e.g., country),…
[View More]
facet (e.g., continent), and attribute (e.g., central bank) of the entities.
ProWD features:
(1) Know which entity has been completed? Which has not?
(2) See overall completeness of a class of entities.
(3) Compare completeness between different facets of a class.
ProWD is available online at
ProWD tutorial is available online at
We would be very happy to have your visit to play around with ProWD. We
would appreciate for any insights on how ProWD can be improved further, or
how ProWD might be useful for your Wikidata projects.
Warm regards,
Fariz Darari
On behalf of ProWD Team
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Hello everyone,
I'd like to ask if Wikidata could please offer a HDT [1] dump along with the already available Turtle dump [2]. HDT is a binary format to store RDF data, which is pretty useful because it can be queried from command line, it can be used as a Jena/Fuseki source, and it also uses orders-of-magnitude less space to store the same data. The problem is that it's very impractical to generate a HDT, because the current implementation requires a lot of RAM processing to convert a file. …
[View More]For Wikidata it will probably require a machine with 100-200GB of RAM. This is unfeasible for me because I don't have such a machine, but if you guys have one to share, I can help setup the rdf2hdt software required to convert Wikidata Turtle to HDT.
Thank you.
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I looked through the Data Model for Lexemes.
Began playing around and looking at some of the existing data. Then I
wondered about word origins.
"Neighborhood Electric Vehicle" is a phrase first coined in the 1970's.
The earliest specific reference for this phrase is in the 1978 California
Penal Code which could be pointed to as a reference.
Is there are use case for Etymology with Lexemes ?
Specifically, not just the origin of the word pointing to a previous
word...through use of …
[View More]the existing P5191 derived from
<> property, but when a new
phrase is actually introduced to the world, typically because of a Fad,
Technology, etc.
How would the year "1978" and the reference work "California Penal Code" be
utilized for the earliest known date of usage for a phrase ?
+ThadGuidry <>
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