Dear everyone,
As presented at last year's WikidataCon
<>, Wikimedia Deutschland has
set out to find new ways for collaboration around Wikidata software
development to enhance the diversity of our movement, increase Wikibase’s
scalability and robustness and breathe life into our movement principles of
knowledge equity. With a grant from Arcadia
[View More]uk/>, a charitable fund administered by Lisbet
Rausing and Peter Baldwin, we will be able to implement such a
collaboration in the next two years.
Today, we are happy to share an exciting update on the progress of this
project with all of you. After spending the last few months with
conversations with the movement groups who were interested in joining such
a partnership, we have now reached a point where we can spread the news
about the future partners and projects that will shape this Wikidata
software collaboration.
Wikimedia Indonesia, the Igbo Wikimedians User Group and Wikimedia
Deutschland will be joining forces to advance the technical capacities of
the movement around Wikidata development and with this, make the software
and tools more usable by cultures underrepresented in technology, people of
the Global South and speakers of minority languages.
Wikimedia Indonesia, a non-profit organization based in Jakarta, Indonesia
and established in 2008, is dedicated to encouraging the growth,
development & dissemination of knowledge in Indonesian and other languages
spoken in Indonesia. Since then, Wikimedia Indonesia has supported the
development of 14 Wikipedias in the languages spoken in Indonesia, 12
regional Wikimedian communities spread across the country, and two
Wikimedia project-based communities.
For this project, in collaboration with Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikimedia
Indonesia wants to build up a software team of their own in the course of
the next 2 years. The tools will hopefully help under-resourced language
communities contributing to the flourishing of their languages online
through lexicographical data, and also involving the local language
communities in contributing to lexemes in Wikidata.
Igbo Wikimedians is a group of Wikimedians that are committed to working on
various wiki projects related to Igbo language
<> and culture. The user group
is organizing projects around community building in the Igbo community,
content improvement for Wikipedia and its sister project and has
established its own Wikidata hub in 2021.
The Igbo Wikimedia User Group and their program of the Wiki Mentor Africa
<> is aiming at
building up technical capacity in African Wikimedia communities by
mentoring African developers for Wikidata Tool Development. Wikimedia
Deutschland will support the user group in the implementation of their
project and mentoring program.
Wikimedia Deutschland has been founded in 2004 as a member’s association
and is located in Berlin, Germany. Wikimedia Deutschland support
communities like the Wikipedia community, develop software for Wikimedia
projects and the ecosystem of Free Knowledge, and wants to improve the
political and legal framework for Wikipedia and for Free Knowledge in
Specifically, Wikimedia Deutschland has been working on the development of
Wikidata since 2012. Since then, an active and vibrant community of
volunteer editors and programmers, re-users, data donors, affiliates and
more has formed around Wikidata.
Wikimedia Deutschland will be responsible for the administrative setup of
those collaborations and the communication with Arcadia. We are also happy
to share our experiences and knowledge about establishing software teams,
software development in the Wikidata/Wikibase environment, the Wikidata
community and providing support for emerging tech communities.
If you want to find out more about the partnership, you can read up on this
on our project page on Meta
where we will keep updating the community on the progress of this
collaboration. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions please
use the talk page there to get in contact with us.
We are all excited to see those collaborations coming to life!
With kind regards,
Igbo Wikimedians User Group
Wikimedia Indonesia
Wikimedia Deutschland
Maria Heuschkel
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0
Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der alle Menschen am Wissen der Menschheit
teilhaben, es nutzen und mehren können. Helfen Sie uns dabei!
Wikimedia Deutschland — Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
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*(apologies for cross-posting)*
Hi everyone,
The Wikidata+Wikibase office hours
<> for Q2 will be
held on Wednesday, April 19th 2023 at 16:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin) in the Wikidata
Telegram group <>.
*The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the
development teampresents what we have been …
[View More]working on over the past
quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss
important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.*
We hope to see you there.
Mohammed Sadat
*Community Communications Manager, Wikidata*
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 577 116 2466
Grab a spot in my calendar for a chat:
Keep up to date! Current news and exciting stories about Wikimedia,
Wikipedia and Free Knowledge in our newsletter (in German): Subscribe now
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us to achieve our vision!
Wikimedia Deutschland – Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
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Hi all,
The next Research Showcase, with the theme of Images on Wikipedia, will be
live-streamed Wednesday, April 19, at 16:30 UTC. Find your local time here
YouTube stream:
You can join the conversation on IRC at #wikimedia-research or on the
YouTube chat.
This month's presentations:
A large scale study of reader interactions …
[View More]with images on WikipediaBy *Daniele
Rama, University of Turin*Wikipedia is the largest source of free
encyclopedic knowledge and one of the most visited sites on the Web. To
increase reader understanding of the article, Wikipedia editors add images
within the text of the article’s body. However, despite their widespread
usage on web platforms and the huge volume of visual content on Wikipedia,
little is known about the importance of images in the context of free
knowledge environments. To bridge this gap, we collect data about English
Wikipedia reader interactions with images during one month and perform the
first large-scale analysis of how interactions with images happen on
Wikipedia. First, we quantify the overall engagement with images, finding
that one in 29 pageviews results in a click on at least one image, one
order of magnitude higher than interactions with other types of article
content. Second, we study what factors associate with image engagement and
observe that clicks on images occur more often in shorter articles and
articles about visual arts or transports and biographies of less well-known
people. Third, we look at interactions with Wikipedia article previews and
find that images help support reader information need when navigating
through the site, especially for more popular pages. The findings in this
study deepen our understanding of the role of images for free knowledge and
provide a guide for Wikipedia editors and web user communities to enrich
the world’s largest source of encyclopedic knowledge.
- Paperː…
Visual gender biases in Wikipediaː A systematic evaluation across the ten
most spoken languagesBy *Pablo Beytia, Catholic University of Chile*The
existing research suggests a significant gender gap in Wikipedia
biographical articles, with a minimal representation of women and gender
asymmetries in the textual content. However, the visual aspects of this gap
(e.g., image volume and quality) have received little attention. This study
examined asymmetries between women's and men's biographies, exploring
written and visual content across the ten most widely spoken languages. The
cross-lingual analysis reveals that (1) the most salient male biases appear
when editors select which personalities should have a Wikipedia page, (2)
the trends in written and visual content are dissimilar, (3) male
biographies tend to have more images across languages, and (4) female
biographies have better visual quality on average. The open database of
this study provides eight indicators of gender asymmetries in ten
occupational domains and ten languages. That information allows for a
granular view of gender biases, as well as exploring more macroscopic
phenomena, such as the similarity between Wikipedia versions according to
their gender bias structures.
- Papersː
Beytía, P., Agarwal, P., Redi, M., & Singh, V. K. (2022). Visual Gender
Biases in Wikipedia: A Systematic Evaluation across the Ten Most Spoken
Languages. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and
Social Media, 16(1), 43-54.ía, P. & Wagner,
C. (2022). Visibility layers: a framework for systematizing the gender gap
in Wikipedia content. Internet Policy Review, 11(1).…
You can watch our past Research Showcases here:
Hope you can join us!
Warm regards,
Emily Lescak (she / her)
Senior Research Community Officer
The Wikimedia Foundation
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Hello Wikidata
I am writing to inquire about how to contribute to the Wikidata project. I
have been exploring the site and I am fascinated by the wealth of
information available. I have some experience with data entry and I believe
I could be a valuable contributor.
As I was browsing the site, I came across a page that was particularly
helpful in understanding how to get started: the Wikidata Help Portal ( This …
[View More]page answered many of my
initial questions, but I still have a few more.
Could someone point me in the direction of a tutorial or guide on how to
create new items in Wikidata?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
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Many of us remember when we were young. At that age, we could get erections so hard that they hurt. We didn’t know why, and we didn’t care. We were young and healthy. But as we get older we start noticing changes across our body and one area that is a closely guarded secret is the changes to our manhood. Our erections appear both smaller and start to become softer. This then becomes a decline which can lead to full Erectile Dysfunction. So why does this happen and is there anything we can do …
[View More]about it? A strong erection is based on twenty times the normal blood flowing into the penis and remaining trapped there. When we are young our bodies are trying to pack even more blood in. But as we age the blood flow becomes less effective and twenty, becomes nineteen, eighteen, seventeen and so on until real problems emerge. One technology that is revolutionising people's sex lives is shockwave therapy. Shockwave therapy emits sound waves at 1500 metres a second and when treating a penis causes the growth of many millions of new blood vessels and nerve tissues. This pioneering treatment is undertaken by Mansmatters a group of men’s health clinics in London, United Kingdom.
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