-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Final mobile switch-over
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 01:48:48 +0900
From: Philip Chang <pchang(a)wikimedia.org>
Reply-To: Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
To: wikipedia-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org, wiktionary-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org,
wikiquote-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org, textbook-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org,
wikisource-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org, wikinews-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org,
wikiversity-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org, wikispecies-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org,
wikitech-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org, commons-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org,
TO: All Wikimedia Project Administrators
As a follow-up to this original blog post about the new mobile site:
Please note that the conversion to the new Mobile Frontend extension will
be completed in the week of November 28.
This means that by default any user of a mobile device will see the mobile
interface rather then the desktop version. Users will no longer have to add
the extra .m by hand.
This also means any home pages not yet designed for mobile viewing will
appear with a search bar only - unless you create a home page in the next
three weeks, which is very easy to do!
Instructions for creating a home page are here:
Please forward this email as necessary.
As always, the mobile-l and mobile-feedback-l mailing lists are available.
There will be many more announcements in the coming months on mobile-l, and
always feel free to send comments to mobile-feedback-l.
Thank you.
Phil Inje Chang
Product Manager, Mobile
Wikimedia Foundation
415-812-0854 m
415-882-7982 x 6810
Wikitech-l mailing list
Hi folks,
we'd appreciate additional testers for the new multi-file selection
feature of UploadWizard. Please see link below for more details.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Moeller <erik(a)wikimedia.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Please test multi-file selection
To: commons-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org
Multi-file selection, perhaps the single most requested feature for
UploadWizard, is now ready for testing on a staging wiki. Please see
Neil's announcement here:
I'm really excited about this, as it's the first step to making large
uploads a lot more manageable without the use of third party tools
like Commonist.
Other improvements in the next release that you can test now will
include a better licensing workflow, including support for custom
wikitext licenses, and automatic extraction of file-embedded
geographic coordinates and display of those coordinates using a
Erik Möller
VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
Support Free Knowledge: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
Erik Möller
VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation
Support Free Knowledge: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate