Forwarding Robla message.
Subject: Please test on our deploy candidate server (test2)
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 11:44:29 -0800
From: Rob Lanphier <robla(a)>
Hi everyone,
Stage 0 of our deployment of MediaWiki 1.19 is complete, which is our
deployment to "test2". This wiki is actually on the live cluster like
any other wiki, which is about as close as it gets to what things are
going to be like when we deploy it to production wikis like any
Here's the URL:
In fact, all 800 or so wikis run on the same set of Apache servers,
whether they are 1.18 or 1.19, which means this isn't a truly isolated
test. There's a small chance that we could accidentally break 1.18
wikis in the process of doing this testing. In particular, if you see
something to the effect of "Internal 500 error" on any wiki (1.18 or
1.19), please let us know using the instructions here:
(basically #wikimedia-tech or the talk page for the notice above)
If all goes well, we should be making our first wave of deployments to
1.19 wikis in about 27 hours. Go forth and test!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ben Hartshorne <bhartshorne(a)>
Date: Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] Deploying Swift for thumbnails next Mon-Thurs Feb 6-9
To: Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)>
Hi Everyone,
Just to let you know, this deploy started this morning (with a few hiccups)
and Swift is now serving a small percentage of production traffic (about 6
queries per second). As before, please find me in IRC or leave a message
on the SwiftMedia/Issues page if you have bugs to report.
-ben (aka maplebed on IRC)
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Ben Hartshorne
> Hi Everyone,
> Next week we're going to switch the back end system that hosts
> thumbnail[1] images. We have been using ms5<…>(a Sun server running linux) to serve all thumbnails. We are switching to Openstack
> Swift <>, a clustered object
> store. Though we have done testing and expect no problems, I want to
> publicize the change so that if issues do appear, they are quickly directed
> to the right place.
> Here's the schedule:
> * Monday Feb 6th: move 0.4% of all thumbnail traffic from ms5 to swift.
> Only thumbnails with "/thumb/a/a2/"[2] in the URL will be affected.
> * Tuesday: move 12.5% of traffic - thumbnails with "/thumb/a/" or
> "/thumb/b/" will be affected
> * Wednesday: move 50% of traffic - thumbnails with "/thumb/(a-f or 0 or
> 1)/" will be affected
> * Thundlay: move 100% of traffic - all thumbnails will be served from Swift
> Potential symptoms that might be related to this change on Monday:
> * a thumbnail image with /a/a2/ simply fails to load
> ** try changing the number preceding 'px' to generate a different size
> image[3]
> * you delete an image and the thumbnail is still available
> ** try purging the cache[4] and see if that makes it go away
> ** try changing the number preceding 'px' and see what happens
> * you move an image to a new name and it's still available at the old
> name, when either the new or old name has /a/a2/ in the URL
> ** please provide full URLs for both the new and old names
> If any of these things happen, or if something else odd happens with
> images or thumbnails and you feel it might be related, please join
> #wikimedia-tech in IRC and ping me (maplebed) or Aaron (AaronSchulz). If
> neither of us are available or you would prefer to just leave us a message,
> add a note to :) If
> things are severely broken, you can ask someone in the #wikimedia-tech to
> page me.
> Thanks for your help!
> -ben
> [1] In case you don't know what I mean by thumbnail images, I'm talking
> about all URLs that start and have /thumb/
> in the path. When an image is uploaded to a wiki (or commons), Mediawiki
> automatically generates scaled versions of the image. These are what I
> call 'thumbnails'. Nearly every time an image is used in a wiki page it is
> actually a thumbnail being used. Try going to any wiki page with an image,
> right click on the image, and choose 'view image'. You'll get something
> like
>… as the URL (this was taken from enwiki's featured article today)
> [2] For example,*
> /thumb/a/a2/*Little_kitten_.jpg/800px-Little_kitten_.jpg [6]
> [3] For example,
> *799px*-Little_kitten_.jpg
> [4] Find the URL for the main image file (rearrange the URL to find the
> original image - /wikipedia/commons -> and add
> "?action=purge" to the end of the URL (eg
> [5] Image in the public domain
> [6] cc-by 3.0, Alexanderwdark<…>
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Guillaume Paumier
Technical Communications Manager — Wikimedia Foundation