Hi, now it's confirmed and ready for distribution:
Next week we are going to focus on testing VisualEditor in conjunction
with non-Latin scripts: العربية, Ελληνικά, 한국어, हिन्दी, עברית , 日本
語, Русский, 中文 and more.
The testing will be done at the English Wikipedia (primarily in User
pages), where VisualEditor can be enabled. Any editor can contribute,
regardless of testing / technical experience and even knowledge of
languages in those scripts. For instance, copying texts from
http://ru.wikipedia.org/ or http://ja.wikipedia.org/ and playing with
them in your User page is also a good starting point.
Of course we welcome the participation of editors from projects based on
non-Latin scripts. Your help as ambassadors connecting with your
communities is especially needed! A main incentive is that good testing
coverage of VisualEditor in a specific script plus good community
involvement might lead to its inclusion in the related Wikipedia(s) for
broader testing.
If you have any questions or feedback please comment at
Talk:VisualEditor/Testing Non-Latin Characters Input and Behavior or
send me an email. Thank you!
Quim Gil
Technical Contributor Coordinator @ Wikimedia Foundation
Op 24 jan. 2013 om 22:37 heeft "Dhaval S. Vyas" <dsvyas(a)gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Quim/Siebrand,
> It is indeed a fantastic move. I tried to test, but seems the visual editor is not compatible with IE10. Tried it on Firefox 18.0.1 where it seems to be working well. Do you want me to file a bug for IE10 or you'll take it from here?
Thanks for walking in front of the parade, Dhaval! Please do file a bug in bugzilla.wikimedia.org for the product Visual Editor[1]. Please be as specific as you can describing your found issue. If you keep this in mind, you usually make your bug reports rock!
1. Provide a brief summary and a one paragraph description of the problem you identified.
2. Describe the tools you used encounter the problem. These are most probably: your operating system, browser name, exact browser version, a wiki name, and if you can, the version mentioned on [[special:version]]. Add more information if you think it may be relevant. Tia could be if you were logged in, as which user, what your user interface language was set to, etc.
3. Describe numbered steps to reproduce the problem. Use as many steps as you need. Describe the quickest way to reproduce the problem. Be very specific. Add screenshots if it cannot be avoided or clarifies things.
4. Describe your observation that differs from your expectation. Use a screenshot if you think it clarifies the problem description. Mind you: this should be an observation that can be made after following the steps from 3.
5. Describe your expectation. This allows the person dealing with your report to assess if your expectation was in line with their specification or expected outcome. If you cannot describe this, note that, and please be prepared to further interact on the issue, the one dealing with it, will most probably propose an expected outcome and ask,your feedback on it.
6. Add additional information if it is relevant. You may for example have also tested on another operating system, or using one or more other browsers. Note at least if the outcome of the steps from 3 differed for what was described in 4, or was the same.
All this information will make it a lot easier for a developer to zoom into your problem, and fix it. It looks like a lot to report, but I guarantee you the once you start reporting issues like this, you will be getting then responded to much quicker and the resolve rate will also increase, simply because the information you provide is much more actionable.
Again, thanks for being pro-active and spread the word.
[1] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=VisualEditor
A heads up to wikitech ambassadors and other people in your communities
with technical ideas in mind. You might get help funding the
implementation of those ideas using the new Individual Engagement Grants.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Fwd: Announcing the Individual Engagement Grants program
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 14:41:20 -0800
From: Quim Gil <qgil(a)wikimedia.org>
Organization: Wikimedia Foundation
To: Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
On 01/16/2013 09:48 AM, Quim Gil wrote:
> Hi, next week I will have a casual chat with Siko about the new
> Wikimedia Individual Engagement Grants and how MediaWiki contributors
> could theoretically benefit from them.
I just had that chat. Very interesting!
Individual Engagement Grants also apply to software development and
technical activities
Proposals accepted: 15 Jan ‑ 15 Feb!!!! The next round will be 6 months
Individual or team of up to 4 individuals.
Scoped to 6 months, with potential to renew for 6 more if need is shown.
Maximum request USD 30,000. No minimum.
Having an idea and willing to get community feedback before / while
converting it in a full fledged proposal? Submit it at
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] Announcing the
> Individual Engagement Grants program
> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 18:03:42 -0800
> From: Siko Bouterse <sbouterse(a)wikimedia.org>
> Reply-To: wikimedia-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org
> To: wikimediaannounce-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org
> *Hi all,
> Im pleased to announce the launch of a new grantmaking program at the
> Wikimedia Foundation: Individual Engagement Grants. These grants will
> support Wikimedians as individuals or small teams to complete projects that
> benefit the Wikimedia movement, lead to online impact, and serve the
> mission, community, and strategic priorities. This new program is intended
> to complement WMFs other grantmaking programs as well as the grants that
> chapters and affiliate organizations provide.
> The first round of proposals will be accepted from now until 15 February
> 2013. Were also seeking committee members to help select the first round
> of grantees. Please help spread the word to other lists!
> To get involved, share your thoughts, submit a proposal, or join the
> committee:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG
> For more information on all of WMFs grantmaking programs:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Start
> Best wishes,*
> Siko
Quim Gil
Technical Contributor Coordinator @ Wikimedia Foundation
As we announced a few days ago, we expect some technical disruption next
week on all Wikimedia sites due to our migration to a new data center.
There will be some times when the sites will be in read-only mode, and
there may be full outages.
I'm about to launch the global message delivery about this, to make sure
that all wikis are notified, but I wanted to share the full announcement
with you.
I would particularly like to request your help as ambassadors with the
* Once the message is posted on your wiki, please help to translate it so
that your fellow Wikimedians can understand it.
* Please spread the word on your wiki using the usual channels ("News"
template, or community portal, etc.)
* Next week, please continue to explain what is happening to your fellow
Wikimedians, and if appropriate, let us know if your wiki encounters
durable issues: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_maintenance_notice
I appreciate your help, and I'm available to answer your comments or
Thank you!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Posted today on the Wikimedia Tech Blog:
Wikimedia sites to move to primary data center in Ashburn, Virginia
Next week, the Wikimedia Foundation will transition its main technical
operations to a new data center in Ashburn, Virginia, USA. This is intended
to improve the technical performance and reliability of all Wikimedia
sites, including Wikipedia.
Engineering teams have been preparing for the migration to minimize
inconvenience to our users, but major service disruption is still expected
during the transition. Our sites will be in read-only mode for some time,
and may be intermittently inaccessible. Users are advised to be patient
during those interruptions, and share
case of continued outage or loss of functionality.
The current target windows for the migration are January 22nd, 23rd and
24th, 2013, from 17:00 to 01:00 UTC (see other
Wikimedia sites have been hosted in our main data center in Tampa, Florida,
since 2004; before that, the couple of servers powering Wikipedia were in
San Diego, California. Ashburn is the third and newest primary data center
to host Wikimedia sites.
A major reason for choosing Tampa, Florida as the location of the primary
data center in 2004 was its proximity to founder Jimmy Wales’ home, at a
time when he was much more involved in the technical operations of the
site. In 2009, the Wikimedia Foundation’s Technical Operations team started
to look<https://blog.wikimedia.org/2009/04/07/wmf-needs-additional-datacenter-space/>for
other locations with better network connectivity and more clement
weather. Located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, Ashburn offers
faster and more reliable connectivity than Tampa, and usually fewer
The Operations team started to plan and prepare for the Virginia data
center in Summer 2010. The actual build-out and racking of servers at the
colocation facility started in February 2011, and was followed by a long
period of hardware, system and software configuration. Traffic started to
be served to users from the Ashburn data center in November 2011, in the
form of CSS and JavaScript assets (served from “bits.wikimedia.org“).
We reached a major milestone in February 2012, when caching servers were
set up to handle read-only requests for Wikipedia and Wikimedia content,
which represent most of the traffic to Wikipedia and its sister sites. In
April 2012, the Ashburn data center also started to serve media files (from
Cacheable requests represent about 90 percent of our traffic, leaving 10
percent that requires interaction with our web (Apache) and database
(MySQL) servers, which are still being hosted in Tampa. Until now, every
edit made to a Wikipedia page has been handled by the servers in Tampa.
This dependency on our Tampa data center was responsible for the site
outage in August
when a fiber cut severed the connection between our two locations.
Starting next week, the new servers in Ashburn will take on that role as
well, and all our sites will be able to function fully without relying on
the servers in Florida. The legacy data center in Tampa will continue to be
maintained, and will serve as a secondary “hot failover” data center:
servers will be in standby mode to take over, should the primary site
experiences an outage. Server configuration and data will be synchronized
between the two locations to ensure a transition as smooth as possible in
case of technical difficulties in Ashburn.
Besides just installing newer hardware, setting up the data center in
Ashburn has also been an opportunity for architecture overhauls, like
incremental improvements of the text storage
and the move to an entirely new media storage
keep up with the growth of the content generated and curated by our
Wikimedia’s technical infrastructure aims to be as open and collaborative
as the sites it powers. Most of the configuration of our
publicly accessible, and the Wikimedia
Labs <https://blog.wikimedia.org/2012/04/16/introduction-to-wikimedia-labs/>initiative
allows contributors to test and submit improvements to the
sites’ configuration files.
The Wikimedia Foundation currently operates a total of about 885 servers,
and serves about 20 billion page views a month, on a non-profit budget that
relies almost entirely on donations from readers.
Guillaume Paumier
Technical Communications Manager — Wikimedia Foundation
Steven Walling, 20/01/2013 23:34:
> Following up on this...
> The Editor Engagement Experiments team had the first one of these with Erik
> and Sue last Tuesday (the 15th). Tilman was there to take notes, and I
> published our slide deck, so there is a transcript and PDF to review for
> those interested at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Metrics_and_activities_meetings/Quarterly_r…
> Erik will likely share some notes soon on how he and Sue want to rejigger
> the meeting structure based on this first try. Overall it was helpful for
> all parties, but obviously in a meeting this long and covering this kind of
> material, adjustments can and should be made.
Thanks, I think it's useful as a summary of the past activities (among
other things).
I asked a question on talk: maybe the answer is already in Erik's
keyboard (Howie's summary partially answered me), or maybe not.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ct Woo <ctwoo(a)wikimedia.org>
Date: Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 8:07 PM
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Update on Ashburn data center switchover /
migration – target date is week of 1/22/13
To: Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org>, Development
and Operations Engineers <engineering(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
The Migration team is in the last lap on completing the remaining tasks to
ready our software stack and Ashburn infrastructure for the big switchover
Per my last update,<http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2012-October/063668.html>
with the Fundraising activity behind us now, the team has scheduled the *week
of 22nd January*, 2013 to perform the switchover. We are going to block a
8-hour migration window on the *22nd, 23rd and 24**th*. During those
periods, *17:00 UTC to 01:00 UTC hours (9am to 5pm PST*), there will be
intermittent blackouts and they will be treated as 'planned' outages. You
can follow the migration on irc.freenode.org in the #wikimedia-operations
The team is putting the finishing touches to the last few tasks and we will
make the final Go/No decision on 18th Jan, 2013. An update will send out
then. For those interested in tracking the progress, the meeting notes are
captured on this wikitech
*Please note that we will be restricting code deployment during that week,
allowing only emergency and critical ones only.*
CT Woo
Wikitech-l mailing list
Meet the Echo development team on Jan 8 and learn about the upcoming
notifications framework for Wikipedia & MediaWiki. More details at
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Engineering] Echo IRC office hours for developers
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2013 12:14:15 -0800
From: Ryan Kaldari <rkaldari(a)wikimedia.org>
To: engineering(a)wikimedia.org <engineering(a)lists.wikimedia.org>,
Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org>, WMF Editor
Engagement Team <ee(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
The Editor Engagement team will be holding a special Echo IRC office
hours specifically for developers next Tuesday. We would like to let the
other developers know what we're up to and allow them to ask any
questions they may have about the Echo Notifications system. Since Echo
is designed to be utilized by other extensions, we also hope to provide
some guidance on how to accomplish this. Hope to see you there!
The meeting will be in #wikimedia-tech on Tuesday, January 8th at 11am
PST (19:00 UTC).
Ryan Kaldari
Engineering mailing list
we plan to change the availability to hide a user account in CentralAuth
from the 'centralauth-lock' to the 'centralauth-oversight' right. This
is done as a side effect of logging the hiding of global accounts in the
suppression log from now on to protect it from public access.
For Wikimedia stewards this wont change anything. The only visible
change on Wikimedia wikis this will result in is then the change of the
logging behavior (which is bug 18060).
Marius Hoch (hoo)
Forwarding from the mediawiki-api list.
This seems like a pretty minor change, but I think it won't hurt to get a notificatin about it here as well.
------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Brad Jorsch" <bjorsch(a)wikimedia.org>
To: "MediaWiki API announcements & discussion" <mediawiki-api(a)lists.wikimedia.org>, mediawiki-api-announce(a)lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Mediawiki-api] BREAKING CHANGE: Format of action=query&list=logevents&leprop=details changing
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2013 19:28:43 +0100
Due to bug 43221 and Gerrit change I1a3c7ac6, the format of the
"details" for some log events will be changing. In particular, any
event with details that were returned with a key resembling "4::foo"
will now be returned under a key of simply "foo".
This change will be deployed with 1.21wmf7, which is scheduled for
today on mediawiki.org, test.wikipedia.org, and wikidata; 7 January
for non-Wikipedia sites; 9 January for enwiki; and 14 January for the
other Wikipedias.
Matma Rex