Forwarding to wikitech-ambassadors for info.
As a note, we hope that switching to provide VisualEditor to all users
(other than those who opt-out) will be a success for those wikis below.
However, if there is community consensus that your wiki does not want it
yet or is not ready, it can of course be reversed to "opt-in" - just file a
Bugzilla request or contact your local community liaison.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Grossmeier <greg(a)>
Date: 27 September 2013 13:36
Subject: [Engineering] Deployment Highlights - week of September 30th, 2013
To: Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)>, Development and
Operations engineers <engineering(a)>
Hello and here's your latest edition of the deployment highlights email!
Full schedule here:
== Monday ==
* VisualEditor will be enabled by default for Logged-in users on the
following wikis:
Bulgarian (bg), Catalan (ca), Cebuano (ceb), Czech (cs), Danish (da),
Estonian (et), Basque (eu), Finnish (fi), Galician (gl), Croatian
(hr), Hungarian (hu), Indonesian (id), Latvian (lv), Malay (ms),
Norwegian - Nynorsk (nn), Norwegian - Bokmål (no), Simple English
(simple), Slovak (sk), Slovenian (sl), Turkish (tr), Ukrainian (uk),
Volapük (vo), Waray-Waray (war), Modern Greek (el), Neopolitan (nap),
Venetian (vec), Sicilian (scn)
* MediaWiki 1.22wmf19 will deployed to all non-Wikipedia wikis (eg:
Commons, Wikitionary, Wikisource, etc)
== Wednesday ==
* MobileFrontEnd: Of note: the Mobile Team will be transitioning to
simply 'riding the MW Core train' soon. This means there will not be a
separate Mobile Team deploy window each week but instead all of their
changes will ride along with the MediaWiki 1.22wmfXX version update.
== Thursday ==
* MediaWiki 1.22wmf19 to group2 (all Wikipedias)
* MediaWiki 1.22wmf20 to group0
* Growth Team deploy window consisting of:
Let me know if you have any questions,
| Greg Grossmeier GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| @greg A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |
Engineering mailing list
James D. Forrester
Product Manager, VisualEditor
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
jforrester(a) | @jdforrester
This is reminder that the Wikimedia Language Engineering team will be
hosting an IRC office hour from 1700 to 1800UTC later today on
#wikimedia-office (FreeNode). Please see below for the event details.
=== Event Details ===
What: WMF Language Engineering Office hour
When: September 25, 2013 (Wednesday). 1700-1800 UTC
Where: IRC Channel #wikimedia-office on FreeNode
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Runa Bhattacharjee <rbhattacharjee(a)>
Date: Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 12:49 AM
Subject: Language Engineering IRC Office hour on September 25, 2013 at 1700 UTC
To: Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)>, Wikimedia
Mailing List <wikimedia-l(a)>,
wikitech-ambassadors(a), MediaWiki
internationalisation <mediawiki-i18n(a)>
The Wikimedia Language Engineering team will be hosting an IRC office
hour on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 between 17:00 - 18:00 UTC. (See
below for timezone conversion and other details.) We will be talking
about some of our projects that are in development, a short round up
from Google Summer of Code and then taking questions for the remaining
If there are things that you would like to bring to our attention then
this would be a good time to do so. Questions can also be sent to me
directly before the event. See you there!
=== Event Details ===
What: WMF Language Engineering Office hour
When: September 25, 2013 (Wednesday). 1700-1800 UTC
Where: IRC Channel #wikimedia-office on FreeNode
Language Engineering - Outreach and QA Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation
Heya folks :)
We have just enabled interwiki links for Wikimedia Commons via
Wikidata. This means they now no longer need to be stored in the
wikitext on Commons but instead can be stored in Wikidata together
with the links for Wikipedia and Wikivoyage.
Lydia Pintscher -
Community Communications for Technical Projects
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Obentrautstr. 72
10963 Berlin
Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg
unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das
Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.
----- Forwarded message from Greg Grossmeier <greg(a)> -----
> Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 14:48:00 -0700
> From: Greg Grossmeier <greg(a)>
> To: Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)>, Development and Operations engineers <engineering(a)>
> Subject: Deployment highlights for the week of Sept 23rd
> Hello!
> Here's what's coming up, deployment-wise, next week!
> As always, full schedule here:
> == Monday ==
> * MediaWiki 1.22wmf18 to all non-wikipedia project sites
> * WikiData will be enabled on Wikimedia Commons (interwiki links)
> * CirrusSearch (the new search backend) will be turned on as the default
> search backend for Italian Wikitionary and enabled as a secondary
> backend for English Wikisource and Catalan Wikipedia.
> == Tuesday ==
> * CirrusSearch will be enabled on the set of closed wikis (eg: old
> Wikimania wikis).
> == Thursday ==
> * MediaWiki 1.22wmf18 will be deployed to all Wikipedias
> * MediaWiki 1.22wmf19 will be deployed to the set of test wikis plus
> Have a good weekend!
> Greg
> --
> | Greg Grossmeier GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
> | @greg A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |
----- End forwarded message -----
| Greg Grossmeier GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| @greg A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |
The Wikimedia Language Engineering team will be hosting an IRC office
hour on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 between 17:00 - 18:00 UTC. (See
below for timezone conversion and other details.) We will be talking
about some of our projects that are in development, a short round up
from Google Summer of Code and then taking questions for the remaining
If there are things that you would like to bring to our attention then
this would be a good time to do so. Questions can also be sent to me
directly before the event. See you there!
=== Event Details ===
What: WMF Language Engineering Office hour
When: September 25, 2013 (Wednesday). 1700-1800 UTC
Where: IRC Channel #wikimedia-office on FreeNode
Language Engineering - Outreach and QA Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation
Hello ambassadors! Your help spreading this message in your communities
is welcome. Thank you!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for tech projects needing contributors
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 07:34:31 -0700
From: Quim Gil <qgil(a)>
Organization: Wikimedia Foundation
To: Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)>
The current round of Google Summer of Code & FLOSS Outreach Program for
Women is about to end, and it's time to start a new cycle of mentored
projects in Wikimedia tech.
Check and contribute to
if you are
* a Wikimedia project awaiting a specific software feature
* an organization with budget for tech activities looking for a short
term goal
* a tech contributor with a cool idea for Wikimedia projects or
MediaWiki in general
Even if software development is a prominent activity, we also encourage
proposals focusing on other technical areas: quality assurance, design,
sysadmin, promotion...
Post your proposal soon, edit it often. By submitting a proposal to the
Possible Projects page you get attention and help from the tech
community in the form of reality checks and contacts with possible
mentors, interested projects and funding sources. 21 projects were
selected in our last round, finishing now:
We keep searching for more opportunities to channels these projects,
both within the Wikimedia movement (Individual Engagement Grants,
chapters...) and out there (internship programs encouraging free
software and diversity in tech).
We want to hear your feedback! Use the discussion page or reply here.
Quim Gil
Technical Contributor Coordinator @ Wikimedia Foundation