Hi everyone:
I've recently made some changes to the <charinsert> extension. This
ensures that the extension provides a better user experiance for
non-js users, and that it works properly in certain edge cases. It
also brings the extension inline with current MW coding standards, to
ensure that it will continue to work well in the future.
However, the downside is, it will break scripts that edit the
innerHTML of a div that contains stuff generated by <charinsert>. Some
of the versions of the script that generates the drop down for
MediaWiki:Edittools to select what types of special characters to
insert, do this.
Anyways, I've fixed the instances I'm aware of. In case I've missed
some, If on June 1 (for non-wikipedia) or June 2 (for Wikipedia's),
suddenly the insert special chars thingy on edit pages on your wiki
stops working, please let me (User:Bawolff) know, and I will fix it.
Bawolff ([[User:Bawolff]] / [[User:BWolff (WMF)]] )
p.s. The relevant bugs are:
Purodha Blissenbach, 21/05/2016 14:13:
> On the long run, I think, these portals and their texts should
> be translatable. Browser settings determining the target language.
> Looking forward to have them on translatewiki.net !
Adding English-only text to the Wikipedia portal is unacceptable.
Special powers on a Wikimedia domain must not be used to contradict and
impoverish the Wikimedia mission. The portal seize by a small WMF clique
has shown its failure and should immediately be reversed, as the
Meta-Wiki administrators have proven to be more competent.
Hey Purodha,
On 21 May 2016 at 05:13, Purodha Blissenbach <purodha(a)blissenbach.org>
> On the long run, I think, these portals and their texts should
> be translatable. Browser settings determining the target language.
> Looking forward to have them on translatewiki.net !
I agree that localising these strings would be helpful and in-line with our
practices. That's definitely something that we're interested in doing, and
we're going to be doing an investigation on that soon. We're hoping it'll
be fairly straightforward to get this done... but if it's not, we may need
to deprioritise the work. We'll see.
Dan Garry
Lead Product Manager, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation
Hey DJ,
Thanks for the feedback! Responses in-line.
On 21 May 2016 at 04:52, Derk-Jan Hartman <d.j.hartman+wmf_ml(a)gmail.com>
> I like the addition of the descriptive subtitles. But I would suggest
> taking them to meta to settle on what they should be exactly, and also then
> documenting them (including arguments) to make sure that they can be used
> consistently throughout the projects.
I agree that some standardisation of the phrases used here would be useful.
I'll pass that feedback on to Communications, who I believe handles most of
these kinds of situations. In the mean time, I think Discovery can take a
quick pass on the phrases that are being used on the portal to make them a
bit more consistent.
> I was wondering about the colors. Have we considered the MediaWiki/OOjs UI
> color theme already. In my opinion the portal feels more cologneblue than
> Vector right now..
I can see what you mean. A lot of the styles of the new elements have been
made to fit the old style of the page. I'm not a designer, so I don't know
specifically what to recommend to the team here, but I think they can keep
this in mind for the future.
Also, I do wonder a bit about the consistency of the portals and the lack
> of options for reuse of these improvements by other portals, and I
> personally think it would be great to start expanding parts of the
> development to other portals now.
> I think it would be wonderful if we could create a pipeline of reusable
> elements among the portals, that allows for some consistency, but trying to
> avoid blandness and uniformity. Simple things like a library of Less
> variables usable by all portal pages can mean a lot for these kinds of
> efforts and I'd love to see some attention devoted to that, so that other
> portal pages can benefit.
As explained in T110070#1653320
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T110070#1653320>, Discovery is not
actively maintaining the other portals. That said, I agree that trying to
get our code to a state where it's easily re-useable for other portals so
that interested people can migrate it over to the other portals would be
good to do. I filed T136151 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T136151> to
track that work.
> For community participation, I also have some ideas:
> 1: There is no README.md
Good point. I saw you filed T135902
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T135902> and T135903
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T135903> for this. Thanks! The licensing
question is somewhat complicated given the history of the portals; we will
need to consult with Legal on this to make sure we get it right.
> 2: Make sure that it's easy to test the master version.
The great thing about github for instance is that you can do tricks like:
> https://cdn.rawgit.com/wikimedia/portals/master/prod/wikipedia.org/index.ht…
> That's powerful to be able to preview straight from a git repo. If you
> have links like that to the readme/meta page.
I'll pass this feedback on to the engineers working on the project.
> 3: Update https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Project_portals <
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Project_portals>
I wasn't aware of this page. I'll pass it on to Chris Koerner, Discovery's
community liaison, so he can look at updating it.
Dan Garry
Lead Product Manager, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation
Hey everyone :)
We've rolled out the first version of the ArticlePlaceholder on Esperanto,
Haitian-Creole, Neapolitan and Odia Wikipedia. This worked well enough and
we got useful feedback from the first rollout. Thank you!
I want to plan the second round now. We'll do that in about 3 weeks. If
your Wikipedia would like to have it in the next round please open a ticket
on Phabricator with a link to the on-wiki discussion or let me know.
There are a number of things we still want to work on in the next 3 weeks.
They include:
* Fixing some issues with the layout (broken identifier section when they
are too long, issues with qualifiers for images, empty reference section
that sometimes appears)
* Making the search integration faster
* Making language fallbacks work for properties
* Adding a button to allow translating of the article in another language
with the Content Translation tool
Lydia Pintscher - http://about.me/lydia.pintscher
Product Manager for Wikidata
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