(sorry for cross posting)
Hi all,
on July 21 23:00-00:00 (UTC) RevisionSlider got deployed as a beta feature
on German Wikipedia, Arabic Wikipedia and Hebrew Wikipedia.
The RevisionSlider extension adds a slider interface to the diff view, so
that you can easily move between revisions. It helps users to view edit
summaries and other meta data of all revisions while hovering over the
slider interface. At the current state, the last 500 revisions can be
loaded. [1]
The RevisionSlider extension was developed by Wikimedia Deutschland's TCB
team and fulfills a wish from the German-speaking community's Technical
Wishlist. [2] It is based on a rough prototype by the Community Tech Team
who we love collaborating with. [3]
The feature already was presented at WMF's last metrics meeting, so if you
are interested to hear more about it, you can also have a look into the
video record. [4]
Why German, Arabic and Hebrew Wikipedia in the first round?
As a first step, we want to see if RevisionSlider works well on both, LTR
and RTL Wikipedias. The decision for German Wikipedia is probably obvious,
as the RevisionSlider addresses a wish from the German-speaking community.
But the team spent also some work in optimizing the feature for RTL
languages, and we were talking to people from Arabic and Hebrew Wikipedia
at Wikimania. Both communities created a site request ticket to deploy
RevisionSlider as a Beta feature on their projects. [5] [6]
So far everything went well and we also got our first really nicely written
bug report from Hebrew Wikipedia - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T141071
We are really happy about the constructive and appreciative collaboration
style around RevisionSlider, it's so much fun working like this! Thanks a
lot to everyone who was/is involved in the work around the feature! This
includes people from German, Arabic and Hebrew Wikipedia and people from
the WMF, who did the security review and helped with other important stuff.
A special thanks goes to Moriel Schottlaender, who gave us valuable advice
on how to RTLize the feature and who even contributed code!
Next steps: We want to see how RevisionSlider works on dewiki, hewiki and
arwiki and then we can think about providing the feature also for other
language communities.
It would be great if you find time to test the feature and give us
feedback! If you're usually not a user of German, Arabic or Hebrew
Wikipedia, you can also go to Beta Labs and try RevisionSlider with an
English-speaking article set. [7]
[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RevisionSlider
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WMDE_Technical_Wishes
[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Tech/RevisionSlider
[5] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T140551
[6] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T140545
Birgit Müller
Community Communications Manager
Software Development and Engineering
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0
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== tl;dr ==
On June 29th git.wikimedia.org (running Gitblit) will redirect all
requests to Phabricator. The vast majority of requests will be correctly
== What is happening? ==
In an effort to reduce the maintenance burden of redudant services we
will be removing git.wikimedia.org. The software that has been serving
git.wikimedia.org, Gitblit, has given our Operations team many headaches
over the years[0] and now that we have all repositories hosted in
Phabricator[1] there is no reason to keep Gitblit around. Phabricator's
Diffusion (the name of the code browser) provides the needed
functionality that Gitblit served (mostly viewing/browsing repositories,
something which Gerrit does not do).
== When will it happen? ==
June 29th
== How could this affect me? ==
Potentially, you use an unpopular (in the sense of not used often)
feature of Gitblit that is not supported in Diffusion. This should be
Potentially, a link you follow that pointed to somewhere on
git.wikimedia.org will not redirect correctly. This is also unlikely as
we (mostly @Danny_B and @Paladox) took great care to update many
mediawiki.org templates along with providing very robust redirect
rules[2]. If you find one that isn't working, please let us know (along
with the original url and, if possible, the desired target in
One known issue to call out: Diffusion does not list commits by person.
However Differential (the code-review tool) does this (not just for new
commits). There is no easy/maintainable way to redirect those,
Something else broken? Please file a task in Phabricator in the
#Diffusion project[3].
Greg, on behalf of WMF Release Engineering (and all the volunteers who
helped along the way (and Ops!))
[0] eg: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T73974
[1] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/
[2] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T137224
[3] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/53/
| Greg Grossmeier GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| identi.ca: @greg A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |