Sorry for cross-posting!
Reminder: Technical Advice IRC meeting this week **Wednesday 4-5 pm UTC**
on #wikimedia-tech.
*Note the time change due to Berlin having switched to winter time!*
Questions can be asked in English, and Spanish!
The Technical Advice IRC Meeting (TAIM) is a weekly support event for
volunteer developers. Every Wednesday, two full-time developers are
available to help you with all your questions about MediaWiki, gadgets,
tools and more! This can be anything from "how to get started" over "who
would be the best contact for X" to specific questions on your project.
If you already know what you would like to discuss or ask, please add your
topic to the next meeting:
Hope to see you there!
Leszek Manicki
Engineering Manager
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 219 158 26-0
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us to achieve our vision!
Wikimedia Deutschland – Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
// sorry for cross-posting
a new feature called Reference Previews [1] will soon be released as a beta
feature to more wikis. The planned deployment date is October 24 [2] around
15:00 UTC.
As you might guess from the name, this feature gives you a preview of
references in the article text. That means, you can look up a reference
without jumping down to the bottom of the page. If specified, the preview
also shows the type of a reference: whether it’s a web, journal, book or
news reference. This can help readers evaluate the trustworthiness of a
citation more quickly. If you'd like to know more about this feature,
please visit the project page.[1]
Reference Previews originated from a wish from the German-speaking wiki
community to have the preview functionality that already exists in many
wikis integrated into MediaWiki. Coordination and implementation of this
feature were done by the Technical Wishes team at Wikimedia Deutschland,
with support from the WMF’s Reading Web team. The design for the feature
was developed by the WMF. The feature is part of the MediaWiki Popups
extension [3], which is also used for the Page Previews feature.[4]
Reference Previews have been a beta feature on German and Arabic Wikipedia
for some months already, with around 3,000 users trying it out. Since then,
a few bugs were fixed, and it’s been made easier to enable the beta
feature. Now Reference Previews will become a beta feature on all
Wikipedias and on three Wikivoyage projects.[2]
We’re inviting everyone to give the feature a try: Please activate the beta
feature [5] and let us know what you think on the central feedback page
[6]! A big thanks to everyone who gave feedback so far.
If the feature isn’t available on your wiki [2] and you want to have it as
a beta feature, please reach out to us on the central feedback page.[6]
For the Technical Wishes team,
[1] project page:
[2] deployment roadmap:…
[3] Popups extension:
[4] Page Previews:
[5] go to Preferences > Beta features, e.g.…
Johanna Strodt
Project Manager Community Communications Technical Wishlist, Wikimedia