ในวันที่ ส. 24 ต.ค. 2020 19:03 <
wikitech-ambassadors-request(a)> เขียนว่า:
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> than "Re: Contents of Wikitech-ambassadors digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: GitLab consultation is now closed! (Greg Grossmeier)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 10:44:58 -0700
> From: Greg Grossmeier <greg(a)>
> To: Wikimedia developers <wikitech-l(a)>, Wikitech
> Ambassadors <wikitech-ambassadors(a)>, tech-all
> <tech-all(a)>, Product <product-all(a)>
> Subject: Re: [Wikitech-ambassadors] GitLab consultation is now closed!
> Message-ID: <190f91cb-a31b-04e1-8af4-0c3431a668a4(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> On 10/2/20 15:20, Greg Grossmeier wrote:
> > Per the timeline the working group will begin (continue, really) its
> > deliberations and then we will share out our decision by Friday Oct 23rd.
> As I have been reminded, announcing things on Friday is a bad practice.
> As such, we'll delay the announcement until Monday October 26th.
> Thank you for your patience,
> Greg, on behalf of the GitLab Consultation Working Group
> --
> | Greg Grossmeier GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
> | Dir. Engineering Productivity A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> Wikitech-ambassadors mailing list
> Wikitech-ambassadors(a)
> ------------------------------
> End of Wikitech-ambassadors Digest, Vol 108, Issue 8
> ****************************************************
Hello all,
I am pleased to announce that the GitLab consultation working group
determined that migrating our code repositories from Gerrit to Gitlab is
the right decision.
For the last 3 weeks the working group has been summarizing the
feedback, working on initial GitLab documentation (work-flows, ACLs,
etc), and drafting other documentation that will be useful during this
migration. While we might not have all the problems figured out, the
group is confidentthat Gitlab is a better solution and that any concerns
can be sufficiently dealt with.
The GitLab consultation wiki page has been updated with the decision
<>and we’ve
created a new landing page for all things GitLab
<>at Wikimedia.
For the immediate future nothing changes. The goal is to have a GitLab
installation ready with a few self-contained repositories moved to it by
this coming June, about 8 months from now. The roadmap
<>, and its evolution, is
on wiki.
Thank you to everyone who engaged with this consultation; I truly
believe that we are in a better position because of all of the open and
constructive dialog.
I want to personally thank the members of the working group by name.
They all did amazing work and made working on this consultation as fun
as it could feasibly be. Thank you all for you great work!
* Scott Bassett
* Brennen Bearnes
* Daniel Cipolleti
* Tyler Cipriani
* Markus Glaser
* Derk-Jan Hartman
* Conny Kawohl
* Andre Klapper
* Niklas Laxström
* Effie Mouzeli
* Chase Pettet
* Lucas Werkmeister
Thank you, everyone, for your participation,
| Greg Grossmeier GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| Dir. Engineering Productivity A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |
Dear all,
We’re really happy to announce the second edition of the Coolest Tool Award
Tools play an essential role at Wikimedia, and so do the many volunteer
developers who experiment with new ideas, develop & maintain local & global
solutions and enhance the experience for Wikimedia communities.
There are incredible many great tools out there. It’s time to celebrate
this & to make the great work volunteer developers do more visible to
everyone :-)
The Coolest Tool Award ceremony will take place virtually this year, given
the current circumstances around events and travel. We will provide more
details soon about the specific logistics and dates.
The award is organized & selected by the *Coolest Tool Academy 2020*
We plan to recognize the greatest tools in a variety of categories, for
examples you can look at last year’s categories
As no one can possibly know all the cool tools out there, we’re looking for
some help & inspiration: Please point us to the tools that you think are
great - out of any reason you can think of!
Please use this form:…
to recommend tools *by October 14, 2020*. You can nominate as many tools as
you want by filling out the form multiple times.
This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, which may subject
it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling,
see the survey privacy statement:…
Thank you very much for your ideas & recommendation(s)!
We will continue to spread the word over the next 1-2 days, but if you get
the chance, please feel welcome to share this information with others too!
Thanks :-)
Joaquin, for the Coolest Tool Academy 2020
Joaquin Oltra Hernandez
Developer Advocate - Wikimedia Foundation
On October 27, all the traffic from the wikis will be switched to the
secondary data center (like we did in 2018, and on September 1st, 2020). It
means that *all wikis will be in read-only mode on October 27 around 14:00
UTC, for up to 60 minutes*.
A message to inform our communities has been written, to be sent to wikis:
Direct translation link:…
I overall kept the previous messages, but I made some small changes, and
added one message. Please review all messages.
More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on
individual wikis on week 43 (the week before, starting on Monday 19).
Please inform your community about this event!
Thank you for your help,
Benoît Evellin - Trizek (he/him)
Community Relations Specialist
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Everyone on all Wikimedia wikis has been logged out, and will have to log
back in again.
This was done out of an abundance of caution, after we received one (1)
user report of being logged in as someone else.
Said report coincided with the deployment of a new MediaWiki release which
caused other problems around User session objects; this is possibly related
and under active investigation.
We believe the number of possibly-affected users was small, and that the
time window in which the error was possible was short. However, we believe
that resetting all sessions is a prudent measure to ensure that the impact
is limited.
More details to follow, after technical investigation has determined a
Apologies for the disruption,
Chris Danis (he/him)
Staff Site Reliability Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation <>