My name's Sam and I'm a Product Manager at the Wikimedia Foundation working
on the Moderator Tools project
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Moderator_Tools>. As part of the research
for this project I've been exploring anti-vandalism bots in use on
different Wikimedia projects, but haven't been able to find any centralised
list of such bots.
So far I'm aware of ClueBot NG (en.wiki), SeroBOT (es.wiki), and Salebot
(fr.wiki, pt.wiki).
If you know of any other anti-vandalism bots (i.e. bots which automatically
revert edits which are identified as vandalism according to some
rules/algorithm), please let me know! I'd also love to know if you have any
thoughts about their effectiveness.
Sam Walton
Product Manager, The Wikipedia Library
// sorry for cross-posting
Hello everyone,
the *template dialog* in the VisualEditor and Wikitext Editor 2017 will
soon be *fundamentally improved*: the sidebar now shows at a glance which
parameters are available for a template. Parameters can now be easily added
and removed via checkboxes in the sidebar, and a search mask helps you find
the right parameter. The parameter name in the sidebar can be used to jump
to the respective entry in the main area to save time. Last but not least,
the general redesign includes more spacing, a bigger window for better
usability and added links to documentation and help pages. All changes are
described in more detail on the project page. [1]
These changes are the last in the focus area “Making working with templates
easier”. [2] We plan to deploy them on a small group of wikis on November
24th. Deployments on more wikis are planned in the next months. If you have
any feedback, please let us know on the project’s talk page. [3]
for Wikimedia Germany’s Technical Wishes team
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WMDE_Technical_Wishes/Templates
Timur Vorkul
Technische Wünsche
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