Hi everyone,
I recently set up a MediaWiki (http://server.bluewatersys.com/w90n740/)
and I need to extra the content from it and convert it into LaTeX
syntax for printed documentation. I have googled for a suitable OSS
solution but nothing was apparent.
I would prefer a script written in Python, but any recommendations
would be very welcome.
Do you know of anything suitable?
Kind Regards,
Hugo Vincent,
Bluewater Systems.
I've been tinkering with an extension to provide for a captcha to reduce
automated linkspamming while still staying out of the way for common use.
My preliminary code is running now on test.leuksman.com; the actual
"captcha" part is a really primitive plain text hack which would take
all of a few minutes for a dedicated attacker to crack, but don't worry
about that -- I'm not testing the protection yet, just the framework it
plugs into.
By default the captcha prompt will only kick in if an …
[View More]edit adds new URLs
to the text. Most regular editing shouldn't trip this -- wiki links,
plain text, or just preserving existing links. But if you add new HTTP
links that weren't there before, it'll then make you pass the captcha
before it saves.
The captcha step can also be bypassed based on user group (eg registered
bots, sysop accounts, optionally all registered users), and can also be
set to skip for any user who has gone through confirmation of their
account e-mail address.
I haven't coded it yet, but it should also be possible to add a URL
whitelist, for instance for the site's own local URLs.
As for a 'real' captcha generator to put into this system; I'm not too
sure what code is already out there that's not awful. There's a Drupal
plugin which would be easy to rip GPL'd PHP code from, but it doesn't
seem very robust.
There's a set of samples of various captcha output and their weaknesses
here: http://sam.zoy.org/pwntcha/
Obviously it would be good to either find something on the 'hard
captchas' list rather than 'defeated captchas', or roll our own that
doesn't suck too bad.
There's also the question of whether we can feasibly provide an audio
alternative or whathaveyou.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)
[View Less]
I have just joined, I am from mumbai, india. I would like to get the
articles translated in marathi, my mother tongue. Looking at the effort
and no of volunteers, this will not be usable in any reasonable amount
of time.
That has made me think of alternatives - machine translation. A state
funded institute has a software available but I don't have access to it
Pl. comment about this approach. Has this been tried for any other
language earlier.
Thanks & regards,
Prasad Gadgil
[View More]________________________________________________________________________
Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online
Go to: http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrimony
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On 28/09/05, Phil Boswell wrote:
> "Mark Ryan" wrote:
> > Multilinugal error messages have now been implemented on the Wikimedia
> > squids. I would like to thank everyone who helped to make this a
> > reality over the past couple of weeks. I was keeping a running list of
> > everyone who had helped, but I lost track of everyone :)
> Kudos to you and your helpers!
> Can you remind us of where we can see these messages *without* requiring a
> WP …
[View More]failure?
Well, as I just discovered looking for something else, you can always
"use the source, look":
Rowan Collins BSc
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Thank you so much Ashar and Tim,
for the setting up of the new subdomains!
With regards,
Jay B.
2005/9/25, wikitech-l-request(a)wikimedia.org <wikitech-l-request(a)wikimedia.org>:
> Message: 5
> Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 15:29:50 +0200
> From: Ashar Voultoiz <hashar(a)altern.org>
> Subject: [Wikitech-l] nap, war, lad wikipedias created
> Hello,
> With the technical assistance of Tim Starling, I created three new
> wikipedia projects which were pending …
[View More]somewhere on meta: .
> The projects are:
> Ladino : http://lad.wikipedia.org/
> Waray-Waray : http://nap.wikipedia.org/
> Neapolitan : http://war.wikipedia.org/
> For any trouble with those newly created projects, please reply to
> wikitech-l mailing list only (followup-to set).
[View Less]
I am interested in making a map of Wikipedia in order to streamline the content,
provide an overview of different areas, and connect Wikipedia to digital archives
maintained by museums and laboratories all around the world. For more information
please see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CDT_proposal .
If you would like to collaborate, or if you already have similar efforts underway,
please contact me.
Thank you,
Deborah MacPherson
[View More]***************************
Deborah MacPherson, Projects Director
Accuracy&Aesthetics, A Nonprofit Organization for the
Advancement of Education, Cultural Heritage, and Science
mailing address: PO Box 52, Vienna VA 22183 USA
phones: 703 585 8924 and 703 242 9411
The content of this email may contain private and confidential
information. Do not forward, copy, share, or otherwise distribute
without explicit written permission from all correspondents.
[View Less]
Pakaran suggested on IRC the use of 7zip's LZMA compression for data
dumps, claiming really big improvements in compression over gzip. I did
some test runs with the September 17 dump of es.wikipedia.org and can
confirm it does make a big difference:
10,995,508,118 pages_full.xml 1.00x uncompressed XML
2,320,992,228 pages_full.xml.gz 4.74x gzipped output from mwdumper
775,765,248 pages_full.xml.bz2 14.17x "bzip2"
155,983,464 pages_full.xml.7z 70.49x "7za a -si"
[View More]gzip -9 makes a neglible difference versus the default compression
level; bzip2 -9 seems to make no difference.)
The 7za program is a fair bit slower than gzip, but at 10-15 times
better compression I suspect many people would find the download savings
worth a little extra trouble.
While it's not any official or de-facto standard that we know of, the
code is open source (LGPL, CPL) and a basic command-line archiver is
available for most Unix-like platforms as well as Windows so it should
be free to use (in the absence of surprise patents):
I'm probably going to try to work LZMA compression into the dump process
to supplement the gzipped files; and/or we could switch from gzip back
to bzip2, which provides a still respectable improvement in compression
and is a bit more standard.
(We'd switched from bzip2 to gzip at some point in the SQL dump saga; I
think this was when we had started using gzip internally on 'old' text
entries and the extra time spent on bzip2 was wasted trying to
recompress the raw gzip data in the dumps.)
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)
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