I have been a WP editor since 2006. I hope you can help me. For some reason
I no longer have Section Heading titles showing in the Articles. This is
true of all Headings including the one that carries the Article subject's
name. When there is a Table of Contents, it appears fine and, when I click
on a particular Section, it goes to that Section, but all that is there is a
straight line separating the Sections. There is also no button to edit a
Section. If I edit the page and remove the "…
[View More]== ==" markers from the Section
Titles, the Title then shows up, but not as a Section Heading. Also, I don't
have any Date separators on my Want List. This started 2 days ago. Any
Marc Riddell
[[User:Michael David]]
[View Less]
I know it has been annoying a couple of people other than me, so now that I've learned how to make it work I'll share the knowledge here.
tl;dr: Star the repositories. No, seriously. (And yes, you need to star each extension repo separately.)
(Is there a place on mw.org to put this tidbit on?)
------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Brian Levine" <support(a)github.com> (GitHub Staff)
To: matma.rex(a)gmail.com
Subject: Re: Commits in mirrored repositories not showing up on my …
[View More]profile
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 06:47:19 +0200
Hi Bartosz
In order to link your commits to your GitHub account, you need to have some association with the repository other than authoring the commit. Usually, having push access gives you that connection. In this case, you don't have push permission, so we don't link you to the commit.
The easy solution here is for you to star the repository. If you star it - along with the other repositories that are giving you this problem - we'll see that you're connected to the repository and you'll get contribution credit for those commits.
Matma Rex
[View Less]
On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 3:36 PM, David Strine <dstrine(a)wikimedia.org> wrote:
> We will be holding this brownbag in 25 minutes. The Bluejeans link has
> changed:
> https://bluejeans.com/396234560
I'm not familiar with bluejeans and maybe have missed a transition
because I wasn't paying enough attention. is this some kind of
experiment? have all meetings transitioned to this service?
anyway, my immediate question at the moment is how …
[View More]do you join without
sharing your microphone and camera?
am I correct thinking that this is an entirely proprietary stack
that's neither gratis nor libre and has no on-premise (not cloud)
hosting option? are we paying for this?
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Hello all,
I would like to announce the release of MediaWiki Language Extension
Bundle 2019.04. This bundle is The bundle is compatible with MediaWiki
1.31 and 1.32 or above and requires PHP 5.5.9 or above.
Next MLEB is expected to be released in 3 months. If there are major
changes or important bug fixes, we will do intermediate release.
Please give us your feedback at
* Download: https://linproxy.fan.…
[View More]workers.dev:443/https/translatewiki.net/mleb/MediaWikiLanguageExtensionBundle-2019.04.tar…
* sha256sum: 5fbbd39acd1cc0e1edbd542a390daf1992d1526134ceb69248cdb4dced58f3a9
* Signature: https://translatewiki.net/mleb/MediaWikiLanguageExtensionBundle-2019.04.tar…
Quick links:
* Installation instructions are at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MLEB
* Announcements of new releases will be posted to a mailing list:
* Report bugs to: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/
* Talk with us at: #mediawiki-i18n @ Freenode
Release notes for each extension are below.
-- Kartik Mistry
== Highlights and upgrade notes ==
== Babel ==
* Maintenance and localization updates only.
== CleanChanges and cldr ==
* PHP entry point has been removed. Warning will be displayed for
deprecated PHP entry point. (T140007)
* Maintenance and localization updates.
== LocalisationUpdate ==
* Maintenance updates only.
== Translate ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Fixed fatal error on PageContentLanguage hook subscriber (T214358)
* Replaced usage of mw.translateHooks with mw.hook. Deprecation
warning will be shown while using functions under mw.translateHooks
* Added support for newer versions of the Elastica extension while
maintaining backward compatibility for older version REL 1.31
* Fixed page suggestion control on Special:PageMigration (T217726)
* Fixed broken Special:PageMigration (T217727)
* Add link to Special:PageMigration when page is marked for
translation (T178642)
* Removed display of the message group state for the source language (T160511)
* Fixed invalid display of priority language notice (T217046)
* Added better error handling in Special:SearchTranslations (T159221)
*Display proper notice when translations to non-priority languages are
blocked (T218777)
*Fixed "proofreading" status appearing for source language on the
MessageGroup and Language stats page (T160511)
== UniversalLanguageSelector ==
* Various performance fixes.
* Maintenance and localization updates.
==== Input Methods ====
* New tilde-based layouts for several languages of Africa: Kabyle,
Kabiye, Kikuyu, Luganda, Lingala, Malagasy, Northern Sotho, Koyraboro
Senni, Sango, Sotho, Venda.
* Added Latin Pinyin transliteration keyboard
==== Fonts ====
* Added fonts for Church Slavonic. (T156843)
Kartik Mistry | કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી
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> This is really a defective redesign. It reintroduced numeric IDs to be
removed by T114902. See also T179928. We should reconsider reintroduce a
new table to link unperfixed and perfixed entity ID.
The new schema has been optimized as much as possible to allow maximum
scalability as it will contain a massive amount of data that we hope it
doubles or even triple in size as soon as we can.
The ids changed here to integer as we have seperate tables at the top level
and prefixes in those …
[View More]tables are redundant and only take up redundant space
that accumulate to big amount very quickly.
The old `wb_terms`, as well as the new schema, are not actually design for
public use unless really necessary for your needs. If your needs can be
addressed via Wikidata available APIs, you are very much encourage to
switch to using those instead. In that case, you need not to worry about
migrations and schema changes ever.
> Also oppose any "partial migration for first XXX items" process in
T221765: this makes queries much more complicated. Please first fill all
data in the new schema, then discontinue the old table.
Full migration is not possible unfortunately due to the current capacity of
database master node.
We tried to find a trade-off between the overhead we introduce to both disk
usage and application logic complexity that will access those schemas.
This will make our life at Wikidata also a little less pleasant for the
migration period. We understand this is unusual migration and isn't a very
easy one for a little while, that's why we want to help out with those
queries and other inquiries as much as we can.
If you have some queries you are running on `wb_terms`, it would of great
help if you add them to a new Phab task on the Tool Builders migration
board, in the Backlog column.
If you have any concrete suggestions regarding making this migration
easier, we would also love to hear them. Please go ahead and add them on
the same board in their own Phabricator tasks so that we can keep track of
things more easily and follow up on them as soon as possible.
On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 at 15:25, data_querier <data_querier(a)protonmail.com>
> This is really a defective redesign. It reintroduced numeric IDs to be
> removed by T114902. See also T179928. We should reconsider reintroduce a
> new table to link unperfixed and perfixed entity ID.
> Also oppose any "partial migration for first XXX items" process in
> T221765: this makes queries much more complicated. Please first fill all
> data in the new schema, then discontinue the old table.
> _______________________________________________
> Wikidata-tech mailing list
> Wikidata-tech(a)lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikidata-tech
Alaa Sarhan
Full Stack Developer
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 219 158 26-0https://wikimedia.de
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