The film was somewhat ambiguous. While the filming of Anita (except the pie incident) showed nice pictures of Anita, the letter being read during the filming is intended to discredit her.
First of all, she did not do anything wrong. She simply took a stance against the openly "alternative life style" that the gay movement wanted to propagate. Hence, this was no "Martin Luther King" peaceful civil movement she was opposing.
Lastly, had Anita today done what she did in the late 70's, she would have had a lot more support from the conservative medias which we enjoy today. Anita did not have the support which a lot of conservatives have and enjoy today, and yet she took a stance and allowed the chips to fall where they did.
Anita Bryant is one of my heroes. I believe she has helped to pave the way for others to stand up for what is right no matter the cost. She has gained more than what she has ever lost. Today she is a fulfilled Wife, Mother, Grandmother, friend and mentor. Her best years, and life after, is still ahead of her.
So then, if one is in to ambiguity, than one may want to see this film. As I wrote earlier, nice footage of her; not so nice of a letter being read during the filming.