"Dangerous Paradise" is directed by William 'Wild Bill' Wellman and stars Nancy Carroll and Richard Arlen. Oddly, when it begins, there is a prologue which says that this story takes place in a land 'East of the Suez'...which is technically true. But the South Seas are practically on the other side of the globe...and that's actually where the story is supposed to take place. That's like saying a story is East of California and takes place in Sudan!!
When the story begins, it's very obvious it was made in the Pre-Code era, as two slime-balls (Clarence WIlson and Warner Oland) spend most of their time sexually harassing poor Alma (Carroll). In desperation, she sneaks aboard a boat belonging to a recluse, Heyst (Arlen), when he makes a rare foray into civilization (such as it is). Can poor Alma get away from these creeps once and for all and live a happy life?
While I mostly enjoyed "Dangerous Paradise" one part of the film confused me--Alma's reaction to Heyst after the big finale. It just seemed weird and didn't fit the film at all. Still, it is an enjoyable, albeit lurid, little film.