These two connecting movies, made in the early seventies were obviously tax write-offs for the over indulgent Burtons - but to see Carrie Nye, wafting about Rome in orange and canary yellow chiffon dresses, sipping champagne out of her golden slippers and charmingly trying to step in between Burton and Taylor's 'on again-off again' love affair is a treat that makes these two 70's period pieces great! With her honest husky drawl, she growls and drinks and brazenly seduces Burton so matter-of-factly, that you really can't understand why he turns her down for the shrill harping's of Taylor's needy character. A fun movie of a time long past - where material excess was accepted and longed for, and the only care in the world was 'what diamonds to wear' that day. Carrie Nye shines in these films.