Just to answer ClaudeCat's question, "It really made me wonder about the time period: did women of the 20's enjoy seeing rape fantasies onscreen, because of different attitudes about women and sex? Or was this something filmmakers of
the period imagined women wanted to see, and the fans put up with it in order to enjoy the sight of Rudolph's face?" the film was quite remarkably based on a
book written by a WOMAN and the script also was written by a WOMAN. This is
something I found very shocking when I first studied this film in film class. The rape in this film in many ways functions the same way the rape scene did in
"Gone With the Wind." In fact, in both cases, many people don't even call them rape scenes, even though in both a woman is taken against her will. Many
theories about this revolve around the fact that Valentino was this exotic, sexy, foreigner that women secretly wanted to kidnap them from their dull,
homebound lives and their conservative husbands. This is in a way what
psychologists call a "rape fantasy." Whereas a real rape, the woman has no
control, in a fantasy, even though she imagines being taken by force, she is
really the one making the rules, because she is imagining it, much as the female writer of "The Son of the Sheik" may have her character be ravished, but is really the one in control of what Valentino does. One important thing to note is a rape fantasy doesn't mean the woman actually wants to be raped in real life.
the period imagined women wanted to see, and the fans put up with it in order to enjoy the sight of Rudolph's face?" the film was quite remarkably based on a
book written by a WOMAN and the script also was written by a WOMAN. This is
something I found very shocking when I first studied this film in film class. The rape in this film in many ways functions the same way the rape scene did in
"Gone With the Wind." In fact, in both cases, many people don't even call them rape scenes, even though in both a woman is taken against her will. Many
theories about this revolve around the fact that Valentino was this exotic, sexy, foreigner that women secretly wanted to kidnap them from their dull,
homebound lives and their conservative husbands. This is in a way what
psychologists call a "rape fantasy." Whereas a real rape, the woman has no
control, in a fantasy, even though she imagines being taken by force, she is
really the one making the rules, because she is imagining it, much as the female writer of "The Son of the Sheik" may have her character be ravished, but is really the one in control of what Valentino does. One important thing to note is a rape fantasy doesn't mean the woman actually wants to be raped in real life.