Ok, so when I voted I gave it a low score, but that was cause Terror of Tiny Town has very little cinematic merit. But put all that aside and wind your sense of humour down a couple of notches and this movie is a "rootin, tootin, shootin" good time. I mean come on! They walk UNDER the saloon door! They ride ponies! It takes two midgets to play the bass! The bartender can't seem to chug his beer without outbursts of laughter! Plus- midgets fighting- funny! Add to that the fact that not a single one of the midgets can act and you've got 63 minutes of fun! Ok, so I realize that this movie is so politically incorrect that "little people" everywhere are either laughing themselves to death or up in arms. But that shouldn't stop us from enjoying an entirely midget western with multiple ear shattering musical numbers and the barest traces of a plot. But like I said before- midgets-Funny!