The term, cyborg, meaning cybernetic organism, relates to a human enhanced with mechanical parts, often robotic in nature.
Thus gave us the first glimpse into this genre. Albeit low budget (I mean, instrumentation from the future labeled with Dymo Label Maker Tapes?) and featuring actors who were at their peak not just a few short years before, including Michael Rennie, Klaatu from "The Day The Earth Stood Still" or "The Keeper" from "Lost In Space", or Warren Stevens, Doc Ostrow from "Forbidden Planet ("Monsters! Monsters from the ID!") and throwing the tem-oral twist of alternative time lines, this cyborg pre-dated "The Six Million Dollar Man" (and Martin Cadin's novel it was based on, "Cyborg"), the Jean Claude Van Damme dystopic future wasteland adventure, even Star Trek: The Next Generation's most relentless enemies, the Borg (sounds Swedish!...sorry. I couldn't resist).
Add to that the obvious Terminator references (and people still forget about Harlan Ellison's own legal action against Cameron due to similarities in his Outer Limits scripts "Demon With the Glass Hand" and "Soldier") and you have a low-budget oddity that hasn't made the rounds in the post-midnight TV info-mercial circuit in years, being swept aside by other B-Movie kings like the Band Brothers' Full Moon Productions or Bert I. Gordon's & Brian Yuzna's Lovecraft micro-epics.
Thus gave us the first glimpse into this genre. Albeit low budget (I mean, instrumentation from the future labeled with Dymo Label Maker Tapes?) and featuring actors who were at their peak not just a few short years before, including Michael Rennie, Klaatu from "The Day The Earth Stood Still" or "The Keeper" from "Lost In Space", or Warren Stevens, Doc Ostrow from "Forbidden Planet ("Monsters! Monsters from the ID!") and throwing the tem-oral twist of alternative time lines, this cyborg pre-dated "The Six Million Dollar Man" (and Martin Cadin's novel it was based on, "Cyborg"), the Jean Claude Van Damme dystopic future wasteland adventure, even Star Trek: The Next Generation's most relentless enemies, the Borg (sounds Swedish!...sorry. I couldn't resist).
Add to that the obvious Terminator references (and people still forget about Harlan Ellison's own legal action against Cameron due to similarities in his Outer Limits scripts "Demon With the Glass Hand" and "Soldier") and you have a low-budget oddity that hasn't made the rounds in the post-midnight TV info-mercial circuit in years, being swept aside by other B-Movie kings like the Band Brothers' Full Moon Productions or Bert I. Gordon's & Brian Yuzna's Lovecraft micro-epics.