I saw this film when I was a young boy, and it did frighten me at times.Not a realistic movie by any means, you have to watch it more or less with tongue and cheek.But it still is enjoyable, and I really liked the mountain-wilderness-setting.I related to the plot in an odd way, even as a youngster, because I came from a broken home much like the lead characters in the Boy who Cried Werewolf.or the first time in ages, the film came on late-night(or early,early morning) TV a day ago.Having grown up in the 1970's, I suppose I have a soft spot for many of even the campy spoofs of that genre.
The acting is certainly nothing stellar, but the setting more than made up for it, in my mind.The TV -repairman attack scene is high camp, but some of the woodsy chase clips are quite fun.I also really liked the musical score.
The acting is certainly nothing stellar, but the setting more than made up for it, in my mind.The TV -repairman attack scene is high camp, but some of the woodsy chase clips are quite fun.I also really liked the musical score.