This show is a classic. The seven season story of two neurotic New Yorkers, Paul and Jamie, as they fumble their way through love and marriage. In-laws, illegal cable, English neighbors, brushing their teeth, buying a parking space, remembering their first meeting and their VERY first meeting; this couple is adorable, touching and utterly hilarious in everything they do.
In the leads Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt have the best chemistry since Ricky and Lucy. Truth be told, you either fall in love with Paul and Jamie right away or not at all. But once you do fall for them, you will wish their marriage, was your marriage. Now available on DVD, check it out.
In the leads Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt have the best chemistry since Ricky and Lucy. Truth be told, you either fall in love with Paul and Jamie right away or not at all. But once you do fall for them, you will wish their marriage, was your marriage. Now available on DVD, check it out.