It's about time!
18 September 2004
A feel GREAT movie. I am so SICK of feel BAD movies!! I needed a lift this weekend and I got it by watching this movie! I even watched it twice (extremely RARE).

Okay, okay, I am a Jennifer Garner fan... My name is RAVEN and I am an Alias Addict. I haven't attended any meetings yet (AA stands for more than just Alcoholics Anonymous), but who wants to quit an Alias addiction??!! .. and maybe Jennifer was the main reason I felt great.

Anyway, Mark Ruffalo was perfect in his role. Nuff said about that.

The message about what you THOUGHT you wanted in high school has NOTHING to do with what you want when you are older is EXACTLY true. I don't remember any other movie covering this in quite the same way.

If you want to feel good, if you LOVE Jennifer Garner and (at least) like Mark Ruffalo, spend the money to watch this movie.
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