I have so much to say about Penelope, but I don't know where to begin. I can say I cried through so much of it. It felt as if it was written for specific souls scattered amongst the Earth. Not all will truly grasp its depth and beauty nor understand its message. It's something that inherently speaks to a certain heart. It is quiet and tender and loud in the moments it needs to be.
I cried because I was this girl, so long ago...or I wanted to be her. The extremely deep connection to nature, feeling broken/damaged, the story of inherited trauma, the longing to find peace out West amongst the giant redwoods and sprawled ferns and snowcapped mountains. I cried because a few years ago I became disabled, and what used to heal my depression and PTSD, is no longer accessible. The desperate need to get both lost and found in the tunes of the wind and trees...the earth and sun. To heal the shattered pieces of not just me, but the addicted pain of my mother, the abuse of her mother and the suffering that goes back so so far - yet is still so harsh and loud that I can hear the screams of them in my heart and nightmares.
This show is so embedded in my daydreams and hopes and losses that I had to keep pausing it as the sobbing caused my throat to spasm in pain. But even in those moments, I found healing. I had flashbacks of all my moments in the forests and waterfalls and bare feet in cold streams. The moments of sunlit beams and soft moss and the whisper of the leaves. The show captures these things so beautifully.
An understanding of what I need to do now, crept over me as I the show began to end. I need to heal all the pain my mother and her ancestors and my own inner child and adult self have felt. I have to heal it for all of us so that we may all finally find peace. I'll never be a parent, but I hope that with each moment I can render aid to each neuron and atom and speck of stardust - to the point that my life will have been well-lived and the joy of that will scatter to the Universe.
I'll find my way to the trees again. And if I'm lucky, a little more self-love.
I cried because I was this girl, so long ago...or I wanted to be her. The extremely deep connection to nature, feeling broken/damaged, the story of inherited trauma, the longing to find peace out West amongst the giant redwoods and sprawled ferns and snowcapped mountains. I cried because a few years ago I became disabled, and what used to heal my depression and PTSD, is no longer accessible. The desperate need to get both lost and found in the tunes of the wind and trees...the earth and sun. To heal the shattered pieces of not just me, but the addicted pain of my mother, the abuse of her mother and the suffering that goes back so so far - yet is still so harsh and loud that I can hear the screams of them in my heart and nightmares.
This show is so embedded in my daydreams and hopes and losses that I had to keep pausing it as the sobbing caused my throat to spasm in pain. But even in those moments, I found healing. I had flashbacks of all my moments in the forests and waterfalls and bare feet in cold streams. The moments of sunlit beams and soft moss and the whisper of the leaves. The show captures these things so beautifully.
An understanding of what I need to do now, crept over me as I the show began to end. I need to heal all the pain my mother and her ancestors and my own inner child and adult self have felt. I have to heal it for all of us so that we may all finally find peace. I'll never be a parent, but I hope that with each moment I can render aid to each neuron and atom and speck of stardust - to the point that my life will have been well-lived and the joy of that will scatter to the Universe.
I'll find my way to the trees again. And if I'm lucky, a little more self-love.