A tree hugges dream??
It was quiet literally a whole lot of nothing.
She randomly leaves for an adventure for no reason at all. Not one person questions why a minor is by themselves? Not the train security guards, guitar singer dude, the park ranger woman, any of the happy go lucky campers??? Not one red flag going off if any of their minds? Nope they send this young girl off with a wave and a smile like it's a normal occurance. A little too un believable also like the fact that she knows knowing of survival in but a few books and she's an expert!? Not one spec of dirt on her but hey she survives a bear and mountain lion (almost) and makes a log cabin! ... social worker and hospital let her leave as well without calling the police for a minor coming in half dead. But ok..... and what's up with the ending? I didn't get it.
It was quiet literally a whole lot of nothing.
She randomly leaves for an adventure for no reason at all. Not one person questions why a minor is by themselves? Not the train security guards, guitar singer dude, the park ranger woman, any of the happy go lucky campers??? Not one red flag going off if any of their minds? Nope they send this young girl off with a wave and a smile like it's a normal occurance. A little too un believable also like the fact that she knows knowing of survival in but a few books and she's an expert!? Not one spec of dirt on her but hey she survives a bear and mountain lion (almost) and makes a log cabin! ... social worker and hospital let her leave as well without calling the police for a minor coming in half dead. But ok..... and what's up with the ending? I didn't get it.