Penelope (2024– )
Who goes into the wilderness without a water bottle?
29 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This girl is a moron. This show is more dangerous for youth than Euphoria or 13 Reasons Why. Some idiot is gonna watch this and be inspired to go off-grid and end up dying.

The bear was my favorite actor. But again, can't stand the Tom foolery of it all. Her character was wildly contradictory. Naive and inexperienced so much as to not know how to build a campfire or bring any essential survival items, but clever enough to finagle and rig things in the wild.

The location is okay. Visuals fine. Score effective. Story, unacceptable. HOGWASH.

The setting I think is Earth, which makes it all just that less plausible. A teen girl, alone, in the Pacific Northwest, able to exist safely despite all her foolishness, in the serial killer capital of the world.
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