Review of Penelope

Penelope (2024– )
Nothing really makes sense
5 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly this is one of the worst shows of all time. First off it's unclear where she is. If its a retreat then why does she have a phone with her and why does she have to do SAT prep. If its a family vacation, then why isn't she sleeping in the same room with her family It was really weird when they were dancing with headphones and she saw a wolf. Then she left with no trace and apparently was "overwhelmed" by SAT prep, which millions of other kids around the US have to do as well. It is also very unrealistic because most 16 year olds don't just run away to "find happiness". Then when she gets her camping supplies and goes on the train, and gets of the train, we don't know what time it is. On her phone when she left the train, it was around 6:00 pm. When she gets off the train it is still dark, which means its late at night or early in the morning. Then she goes to a book cafe to gather books about surviving in the wilderness. In the book cafe, there are about 5-10 other people there which is werid because most people go to book cafes in the morning or afternoon, which it is definitely not. Following that she goes into a van with a person that performed at the book cafe. In the van, they talk to each other like an akward tiktok podcast. Then the guy offers to sleep in his van with him. After that she leaves for a national park. Then, an elderly couple felt bad for her and gave her supplies and a hug, EVEN THOUGH SHE DID THIS TO HERSELF, SO WHY WOULD YOU FEEL BAD FOR HER!!!! At the end of the story, she thinks she's so special, EVEN THOUGH ALMOST EVERY SINGLE KID IN THE DAMN US TAKES THE SAT!!! There are lots of kids that are overwhelmed about taking the SAT, and they don't even have supportive parents. Her parents just want her to do well, and by the looks of it, would be more than happy to support her not taking the SAT. And the whole "regaining her happiness through nature" is complete bogus. She's already on a vacation in the middle of the damn woods. If she wants alone time, just go on a solo hike. Ultimately, I didn't watch the whole series, and I don't think I need to, and I don't think I should feel bad for her. The idea isn't bad, but its just not brought up right. They just need a better director, and just use commen sense. I don't think the producers, directors, script writers, and everyone involved even watched 1 part of the series. Do better. Period.
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