Started watching this and just couldn't stop. Not because it was so riveting, but because it was like a train wreck and I couldn't look away. For starters, this girl has a good life. She has parents who love her and no apparent reason for her feeling of disconnect and melancholia. My first thoughts were that maybe she suffers from depression and/or Bi-polar disorder, or something. Okay, so I went with that, and watched and waited for her to wander into the sex trafficking world, but she just keeps having the best of luck. I do see the commonality in so many young people right now, feeling disconnected from nature and things that really matter. As someone who works with this age group in a place where we connect to nature, first hand, I do see this as common. So I get that, at least. Other than that, there's absolutely nothing realistic about this. It felt like watching an old Disney movie where all the animals are your friends, and your leather boots magically dry, even though you keep tromping through water in them. She never gets a blister, has perfect hair and clean clothes. In reality she wouldn't have even been able to lift the back pack she crammed all those worthless things she bought into. Let alone carry it any distance. She's got nothing for real survival, yet she seems to do just fine, and is somehow miraculously strong enough to even survive a cougar attack?? WTH! And yes, I was still watching because I just couldn't stop. It was so fantastical.
If you're into totally unrealistic, annoyingly and grossly inaccurate portrayal of finding your way in the woods and thriving, on your own. This one's a good watch. Just keep your expectations low, and try not to yell (like I did) at your TV, when all the stupid stuff happens and you know it's just the Disney effect. No reality here, except for right at the end. Just when you think her life couldn't be more perfect, there's a twist. Did everything she ran away from come crumbling to the ground and now she's really alone in the world? Guess you'll have to take that stroll down the imaginary world of make believe and see.
If you're into totally unrealistic, annoyingly and grossly inaccurate portrayal of finding your way in the woods and thriving, on your own. This one's a good watch. Just keep your expectations low, and try not to yell (like I did) at your TV, when all the stupid stuff happens and you know it's just the Disney effect. No reality here, except for right at the end. Just when you think her life couldn't be more perfect, there's a twist. Did everything she ran away from come crumbling to the ground and now she's really alone in the world? Guess you'll have to take that stroll down the imaginary world of make believe and see.