Gene wilder.. who was much wilder. And willing to do anything. Blazing saddles, his films with his hilarious, amazing wife gilda radner. The producers. Gene had been in a show with anne bancroft, mel brooks' wife. And that was just the beginning of his partnership with brooks. Unpredictable, silly, bigger than life willy wonka. Then a bizarre film with woody allen. Young frankenstein, with the perfect cast. Then a whole bunch of great comedies... sherlock holmes' smarter brother, world's greatest lover, hanky panky, woman in red. All so funny. Some with the gilda! What a contribution he made. Great stuff. And well done. Interviews with family, friends, and co-stars. Lots of input from the incredible mel brooks. Directed by ron frank. He has won tons of film fest awards! Really good film of wilder's accomplishments and career.