gene wilder's amazing life
22 November 2024
Gene wilder.. who was much wilder. And willing to do anything. Blazing saddles, his films with his hilarious, amazing wife gilda radner. The producers. Gene had been in a show with anne bancroft, mel brooks' wife. And that was just the beginning of his partnership with brooks. Unpredictable, silly, bigger than life willy wonka. Then a bizarre film with woody allen. Young frankenstein, with the perfect cast. Then a whole bunch of great comedies... sherlock holmes' smarter brother, world's greatest lover, hanky panky, woman in red. All so funny. Some with the gilda! What a contribution he made. Great stuff. And well done. Interviews with family, friends, and co-stars. Lots of input from the incredible mel brooks. Directed by ron frank. He has won tons of film fest awards! Really good film of wilder's accomplishments and career.
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