Snapped (2005 Video)
oh dear lord.....
16 June 2005
Well this film is definitely an experience I will give it that, yes definitely an experience, probably the worst experience of my life!!! Where to start on this pile of dump? OK the film begins and it becomes blatantly obvious that not a single person in this thing has had an acting lesson in their lives, this is terrible and possibly the worst film I have seen, and believe me I have seen plenty of garbage and this is up there with the best of them. It makes Nikos the Impaler look like a damn Oscar winner. Also apparent in this film is that the director had absolutely no idea what he was doing and was probably smacked up off his tits when he made it.

The way a low budget film usually works is usually that its so bad that its actually good, the acting is bad, the story is bad but its made and made so badly its entertaining. Snapped on the other hand is made badly, so badly yet it tries to be serious and in this department fails on every level. If your gonna try and make a serious film with a serious story and pull it off at least hire some people that can seriously act, otherwise get the hell away from the idea. Honestly it would of been more enjoyable spending an hour and 20 minutes getting booted in the knackers by a donkey.

Anyone who thinks of watching this, I beg you to just think it over properly and I advise you against it strongly. The film should come with a do not operate heavy machinery while watching this warning. However if you do watch this and make it all the way through like I did then you are seriously hardcore. I had to suffer this rectal waste of a production, you shouldn't.... stay away!

I give this film a... GIANT STEAMING PILE OF CRAP/10
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