Review of Beanstalk

Beanstalk (1994)
I loved it
10 May 2006
I LOVED this movie!Anyone reading those first comments, DISREGARD them completely.It had a perfect plot line and good acting.Anyone who says differently stinks at judging movies.This is not only a good movie for kids, but a good movie for anyone who likes good movies. I'm surprised that this movie didn't get better recognition.I would sponsor having this movie made into a DVD with bonus features and things like that if i had enough money.I don't understand whats wrong with it.No wait, there's nothing wrong with it, its just the people who just commented on it! They have shown lack of movie knowledge. I am a person who has seen many movies. I know my movies, OK? Obviously, the negative statements made about this movie were made by unexperienced people who have no knowledge about movies. It had everything a good movie should have: plot line,good acting,humor,and above all a great set. I mean it really looked like a beanstalk was growing out out their backyard, no low budget props here. All in all, I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a good humor/family movie. note:DISREGARD THE FIRST STATEMENTS!!!
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