lame episode,...where Rockford Files jumps the shark.
17 January 2008
This episode from season 5,lacks good action and an intelligent plot...most Rockford Files episodes are pretty good for the most part. But the "freeze,turkey" episode is an overcooked turkey of an episode. It's almost embarrassing to watch that's how bad it is.....I highly recommend buying season 5 as well as the other seasons,but this episode is extremely cheesy....this definitely one the worst and most embarrassing Rockford Files episodes ever made.....The beginning of this episode is painful...to see Rocky play such a fool,....made me lose respect for him. This season of 1978-79 had many good episodes in the same great Rockford Files mode like "The Empty Frame" and an excellent two-part "The Black Mirror" ....however "A Good Clean Bust With Sequel Rights" (freeze,turkey) made Rockford Files officially 'jump the shark' in 1978. Rockford Files canceled in 1980 from James Garner's knees being ravaged with pain and injury....as well as being exhausted. But this episode didn't help.
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