It's not but, but it isn't anything to write home about.
12 January 2009
I went to a preview screening today at the Mall of America, where Kevin James was doing a signing to promote his new movie. I didn't get an autograph, but I was able to go to the preview screening of the movie, and although we got into it a couple minutes late, I was still able to see the bulk of the movie.

It definitely isn't bad, but I wouldn't put it up there as a top comedy either. It's decent at best. There are actually a few genuinely funny moments, but there aren't many. The rest of the jokes throughout the movie aren't bad in the sense that you cringe at them, but they aren't really what I'd call funny either. Really though, the movie is highly tolerable, and doesn't overstay it's welcome, ending at a good time. I didn't have to pay for it, so maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much, but as long as you aren't looking for the next great comedy, at the very least, you won't be disappointed.

The main weakness of the movie is the main villains in the movie, the "X-TREME T33M!", turn what is a pretty good movie into a pretty mediocre movie. You just can't take them seriously, as usually bad guys in movies don't jump around as if they believe they are the evil twins of Spider- man, and to make it worse, they also equip themselves with skateboards and BMX bikes, because apparently free running around the wall wasn't XTREEEEEEEM enough for them. They really make the movie seem more like a kid's movie than it already did, which I guess it is more of a kid's movie, but still.

Kevin James himself isn't bad, and he has most of the best jokes of the movie come from him, but he isn't really at the top of his game either. Really no complaints; the only thing holding him back is the somewhat sloppy script. If you liked him in "King of Queens", you'll probably like him in this, yet he is a little underwhelming to be honest.

The plot is very simplistic, Hollywood routine stuff here, no surprises, except one last minute twist that is actually unexpected, mostly because it was so unnecessary to move the plot forward. It was just so unneeded that it really made no sense, and was almost shocking. It's like someone who says they are going to count to 100 and then they count to 105. What was the point of that? They already accomplished their goal when they got to 100. Kind of a bad analogy, but you get the idea.

Overall, it's nothing to write home about, but it definitely isn't bad. If you are a huge Kevin James fan, then go ahead and see it, and if you have kids, then they will most likely like it. I was going to give it a 6/10, but seeing as how it is more of a kid's movie, I decided to give it a 7, also because it is very tolerable, and there are some actually pretty funny parts, so it is an enjoyable movie (although again, I could be a little more accepting because I got to see it for free). You might enjoy it, you might not. Really, just watch the trailer. It pretty much captures the spirit of the movie.
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