I was set for a goofy and silly comedy, but wound up being disappointed. This movie had a very good cast--- all of the actors are competent and likable. The film's big problem was that it simply was not funny. It wasn't even interesting. Do note the film was not bad. It was not a disgrace or anything like that. The basic idea is a good one, and could have resulted in a great night out. Don't know what happened, or why, but the jokes didn't work. The set-ups fell flat. The otherwise likable people and potentially interesting scenarios never went anywhere.
A few of the running gags were OK--- such as the motorized wheel things being used as the quasi-cop chase vehicles. But having the portly fellow try to pull a crippled man in a motorized wheelchair over (for what? He was going 1/2 mile an hour) on one of those "copped-out" wheely things simply did not fly. No spark. Flat. Zilch. Nada.
A few of the running gags were OK--- such as the motorized wheel things being used as the quasi-cop chase vehicles. But having the portly fellow try to pull a crippled man in a motorized wheelchair over (for what? He was going 1/2 mile an hour) on one of those "copped-out" wheely things simply did not fly. No spark. Flat. Zilch. Nada.