It was not the best film, but still I found it rather entertaining and it passed the time the night I watched it. There is a twist in this one and while I have to say I did not see it coming then, I most likely would have now as when you have seen all those movies like the "Sixth Sense" and the numerous copycats since you are just ready for anything a film can dish out. A very wild and strange couple come to a hotel, where the older brother does not really want anyone checking in. The blind, younger brother though turns on the vacant sign and the trouble starts. There is immediately tension in the air as the couple consists of a crazy older guy who likes to have his way and his younger girlfriend who may or may not be tired of the abuse. During this time at the hotel you learn many secrets, not only about this couple, but about the brothers as well. You find out the older brother is very protective of his younger sibling and why. For all the secrets though the movie still needed a bit more. While interesting, it is far from a top notch movie. Just an okay B movie thriller really.
Review of Eye of the Storm
Eye of the Storm
Rather interesting thriller that has a twist I did not see coming.
6 September 2009