This film is (to sum it up without giving spoilers) about a bunch of married people who don't love each other and give every excuse in the book why they deserve to cheat and do whatever else they do~ "I fell out of love." This film had potential with it's subject matter. However, after hearing everyone dog marriage and how it's so stupid and their "trapped" I was just tired of hearing it. What are these people doing to make it work? Besides thinking, "Me, me, me!" Selfishness doesn't work in a companionship. The film starts out with a college age (yeah right) Jean Simmons falling in love with William Forysth (sorry if it's spelled wrong). They marry and have a daughter~ who seems just as selfish as everyone else. We discover she has problems~ with drinking. Things had been bad. Her maid (who lies to the husband about helping him make sure she stays sober) ends up helping her fulfill her selfish desire of running off the the islands. She meets (what a small world) her old pal Shirley Jones who has been the "other woman" for many years and has supported herself by sleeping her way through life (why an STD hasn't come her way we'll never know). Shirley gives the classic line of, "You can't break up a home that's already cracked." as a justification on why what she's doing is right. Having met her dear old college pal, Jean Simmons now has a means of supporting herself since she sold some jewelry in a pawn shop to buy a one way ticket. The Pawn shop dealer tells her (upon Jean motioning for her ring) "No lady no wedding rings. Who wants to buy someone else's heartache." I wont go further, but I was very unhappy with this film. I can take movies about divorce or people in unhappy relationships but this one takes the cake. EVERYONE was unhappy and painted the picture of marriage ruining everything and everyone gave the excuse of why what they were doing was acceptable. The film was immoral (can't believe I'm actually writing that~ a first for me and a movie) in every way. Happy endings aren't achieved by sleeping with whomever, taking whatever and not giving a darn (I don't think you can curse words on IMDb reviews) about anyone else but yourself. Marriage takes a lot of work but is well worth it. I wouldn't watch it again.