A widow, May Robson, has four adult children – three sons and a daughter. The daughter is away at college but the three sons still live at home. Two of the sons are lazy deadbeats – one a pseudo-Socialist and the other a wannabe actor with an unwarranted and bloated view of his own talent. Both are whiners and insufferable (but of course their mother still loves them). Preston Foster plays the only one in the household who has a job; he owns (but is in danger of losing) a small men's clothing store. He is in a chronic state of resentment at his brothers' sponging off him and has repeatedly postponed marrying his girlfriend because of the expense of supporting the rest of the family. The mother's job is to keep the bickering in the family to a minimum and to emotionally support all her children. She has a bit of money set aside and this becomes a new issue for the sons to fight about. The daughter returns home with her new husband (evidently she quit college) – both of these characters seem happy and well adjusted which is refreshing. If there were a contest on "Most obnoxious screen character ever," Bakewell's wannabe actor would be a top contender. The reason to watch this movie is to see May Robson's performance – she is good.