Review of Winter

Winter (I) (2015)
Powerful and gripping tale
11 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent first-time indie production for director and producer combo This tale had it all: drama, a bit of romance, lots of tear-jerking moments and more importantly it dealt with the taboos of mental health issues which health experts believe could be the largest risk to Western society over the next 20 years.

Awareness of mental health issues, how to deal with this within a family unit, the repercussions on all, subsequent codependency, inter-family abuse etc etc.. its' all here in this truly profound and powerful masterpiece

I recommend you watch this with a trusted loved one, so that you can cherish the moment after the movie when one can share, reflect, learn and feel from the images in this tale.

There's a lesson in this story for all of us

This will win a lot of prizes at the real film festivals...
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