This film is rather unusual because of the two African American characters. Although Willie Best had no choice other than to portray the stereotypical black shuffle a la Stepin Fetchit, Etta McDaniel has a very strong role and participates in the climax of the film in an extremely unusual and satisfying way (no spoiler intended here). It's a shame that McDaniel, as with other African American actors and actresses, was limited to roles such as maids or nannies. Etta McDaniel makes the most of her time on the screen. The film ends with Richard Dix and Margot Grahame heading off to California in a covered wagon, and a second wagon is being driven by McDaniel--an indication that her character played an important role in the film.
Review of The Arizonian
The Arizonian
interesting casting of African American roles
4 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers