Improbable but carried of with aplomb...
12 November 2015
I read all the reviews on here and thought, yeah, another stitch-up job where all the friends on production get together and post fake reviews. But I gave it a shot anyway and, guess what, this delivers and my assumption about fake reviews were blown out of the water. The movie maker, Levan Bakhla, is obviously inspired by the other great movie maker Michael Haneke and it reminded me of Funny Games, one of my favourite movies. Yes, the story can be improbable at times but that doesn't detract from the suspenseful way the director carries you along. It's not your usual revenge movie where the baddie gets his comeuppance, but it comes pretty close to it...with interest. I was totally held by the whole thing, especially in the last thirty minutes.Sterling Knight does a good acting job as Chris and is quite scary. Its ending will have you discussing with friends the outcome. All I can say is, well done, Levan Bakhla. You sure know how to direct a good movie.
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